Chapter 32

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The next day I make the drive to Carlos' house to finish up our project. He's waiting outside on the porch for me. "How are you." He asks as I sit on the step next to him. "I'm good. Adam and I are good. He had to work through things, but we're good," I tell him. He smiles at me. "I'm glad it all worked out," he says standing and holding out a hand to help me up. I follow him inside. Mateo is playing a game on the television. Shauna is laying on the floor watching him. He says a fast hi as he kills someone on the television. He has a headset on and is talking to someone.  

"Are you comfortable working in my room," he asks. I tell him yes. I follow him downstairs to the basement. I take in the room. There's a washer and dryer in the corner where the hot water tank and furnace are. The entire room is clean and neat. There's a bed in the other corner of the room. It's neatly made with a navy comforter on it. Next to it is a small desk with a computer. Carlos watches as I take in his room. "It used to be where Ramiro and Luis slept. I had to share with Mateo. After Ramiro left, I moved down with Luis. Once he was gone it became mine. He walks over to the where the washer is and pulls out a table. I watch as he lifts the legs on them and sets up a card table. Two chairs follow.

"Not the best work table, but." I cut him off. "It's perfect. We can lay everything out and put it all together." He smiles at me. We get busy setting out all our information and papers. We spend the next three hours working to complete it. We are just gluing together the last of our restaurant pictures when Carlos' mom calls down the steps. "I made taco's if you're hungry." I follow Carlos upstairs. The tacos are delicious. Real tacos, not the kind I'm used to eating. Carlos' mom and I get along so well. I listen as she tells stories about Carlos and his brothers. I can't help but laugh at all the craziness they have gotten into over the years.

"I had a nice time. Your mom is great," I tell Carlos as he walks me to my car. "Yes, she is. I haven't told her I got into Stanford. I don't know how she's going to feel about me going so far away." I look at Carlos and say "Carlos that's great. That's a really good university. When did you find out?" He looks towards the house. "Last week I got the acceptance letter. I got good scholarships. I can't turn it down." I hug him. "I'm so happy for you. I know how much you wanted this." He hugs me back for a long time. When he finally releases me, I can see he's upset."

"What's wrong," I ask concerned. "I'm feeling really guilty about leaving her here alone," he says. "We've always been really close. And leaving Mateo. He's not going to have anyone here to look out for him. You know make sure he makes good choices. Stays on the right track. What if I go and he gets jumped into a gang or starts doing or selling drugs. We've always watched out for the younger ones. My brothers did it for me. Mateo won't have anyone to keep him straight." I don't know what to say. I never thought about what kids face growing up in East Riverside. "I'm sorry Carlos. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better." I hug him once again. "There's nothing anyone can say. I got to figure things out on my own." He helps me into my car and I head home. I feel bad for the struggle he's going through.

Adam and I are back on track like the Nikki anniversary never happened. It's the last week of school before graduation. All our finals are finished and all of us seniors are pretty much just hanging out at the school waiting. I smile when I see Adam walking down the hall talking to Carlos. My two favorite men together. I know the friendship isn't what it once was, but I'm happy he's trying. When Carlos reaches me and wraps his arm around my shoulder's, Adam pulls him off and shoves him into the lockers. "Hands off my girl ass," he says playfully. Carlos holds up his hands in defeat. I can't help but smile at them. We got an A on our project and Carlos often jokes we make a great team. It drives Adam nuts. Carlos will be heading to California in a couple months. His mom was thrilled for him and assured him they would be fine.

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