Chapter 47

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Today Brett and I were working with his dad. He was going over some numbers on property. He was looking to buy a tech company that was struggling. "The numbers are pretty bad. Do you really think you can turn it around and make a profit?" Brett asks. Gary looks at the two of us. "That's what the two of you are going to decide. Look at all the information and let me know what you decide," he say. "I have an appointment out of the office. I'll expect your decision when I get back." We watch him walk out the door. I turn to Brett. "Is he serious. We aren't capable of making that decision." Brett looks down at the files in front of us. "We better get busy." We spend the next three hours looking over the financials and other information Gary provided. In the end we both agree the deal is too risky. We were both on cloud nine when Gary agreed and said he was testing our knowledge.

A few days later Justin pulls us into his room. "I got them," he says excitedly. "Got what," Brett asks. "The fake ID's. Dave came through." He pulls them out and hands them to each of us. "Damn. They look so real," Brett says. I look at my fake Scottsdale license. "I did not think Dave would pull it off," Jenna says looking at Brett's ID. "I know he's a flake, but he did good with these." We had given Justin our pictures and some money a couple weeks ago. We never thought we'd see our money or the ID's. "We are going out this weekend," Brett said high fiving Justin. We tuck away our fake ID's and head out to the pool.

We're at our third bar since we started the night. It's karaoke night. We're all pretty buzzed. Jenna and I are trashing the guy who just sang some sappy country song. "I dare you to go up and sing something," Justin says. "I dare you to go up and sing something," I say to him. "Why don't you both go up and sing something together," Jenna huffs. Justin and I both look at each other and laugh. "We totally should," I say. "I have the perfect song. Come on," I say pulling him from his seat. "No. No," he laughs as I drag him up to front. I hang on to his arm as I lean over and tell the guy what song to play. The guy tells me there only one person ahead of us, so I keep a firm grip on Justin's arm. We watch as a girl sings an Adele song. She finished to mediocre applause.

"What are we singing," Justin asks as I drag him up onstage. I turn to him and grin. "Halsey's bad at love." He shakes his head and laughs. We jointly sing the song and have fun with it. Justin changes his words to she and her. "But you can't blame me for tryin. You know I'd be lyin'saying you were the one that could finally fix me. Looking at my history I'm bad at love." When we finish the entire bar goes crazy. We take a bow and make our way off the stage. "I can't believe you guys didn't totally suck," Jenna says as we sit. We look at each other and smile. Several drinks later Brett is calling us an uber. We pile into the uber with Jenna on Brett's lap. I lean into Justin and close my eyes.

Once back at the house, we quietly try to make our way through the house to the kitchen. Gary and Pam are already asleep. It's a little after one in the morning. Brett opens the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of wine. He grabs a bag of chips and we follow him outside to the pool. Brett takes a drink from the bottle and passes it to Jenna. It makes its way to me and I take a drink. It's sweet and cold. Brett opens the chips and stuffs a couple in his mouth. "I'm going swimming," Jenna says striping out of her clothes. She's wearing a black bra and matching panties. She dives into the pool. She comes up and says, "The water feels incredible." I glance over at Brett and Justin. They're both busy eating chips. I hesitate because I'm wearing white under my clothes. Neither are looking so I strip out of my clothes and join Jenna in the pool.

Jenna and I swim around for several minutes before Brett and Justin join us. Brett and Jenna swim off to the dark far corner of the pool under the grotto. Knowing they were making out, Justin and I decided to go to the hot tub. "Close your eyes until I get in," I tell him. He gives me a look. "My bra and underwear are currently see through." He makes his way to the hot tub and closes his eyes. "Hands over your eyes to," I tell him. He groans and covers his eyes. I hurry from the pool to the hot tub. The hot water feels nice and instantly relaxes me. Justin brought the bottle of wine. He hands it to me, and I take a long drink. I hand the bottle back to him and watch as his lips circle the bottle as he takes a drink. Something in me stirs.

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