113: Tyron

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"And what makes you think I'm falling in love with you?" Tyron asked, raising one brow. "I've never been in love with anyone."

It was the truth, in so many words, Tyron hadn't ever been in love before, but that 'anyone' part was quickly changing. What he was feeling for Faye was strange and certainly new, but he didn't want to label it yet, didn't want to admit to anything that he may regret afterwards.

"What about you?" He turned the question on her. "How does it feel to be falling in love with me?"

A sly smirk curled at her lips, "I'll let you know when it happens."

"Well, prepare yourself for it...it'll knock you off your feet for sure."

The banter went on for at least the next hour, the playful teasing going back and forth until Ty stopped them to make camp. Walking around in a wood at night was hardly the smartest thing to do, no matter which one it was.

"I hope you don't mind sleeping under the stars tonight," Ty pointed out, dropping his backpack onto the ground. "The tree's will shield us and I'll make us a camp fire. If anything it'll be cosier than my apartment."

Faye looked to the floor before hesitantly dropping her own bag, "I doubt that."

"This is hardly the time to get picky, Faye," Tyron frowned, pulling free two medium sized blankets from his bag. "It's not like you're going to be lying on the ground anyway, I have these for us and as for anything that may go bump in the night...I wouldn't count on it. Hardly anything lives in Ama."

"They don't?" She asked. "Why not?"

Tyron shrugged as he flatted the blankets out over the ruby red grass, "They say the spirits of the dead scare them off."

Almost like someone had electrocuted her, Faye jolted up straight, frozen on the spot. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

He turned his attention onto her, confused by her reaction. "The ones that live in Fin Falls...sometimes they breach the walls and move into Ama."

Immediately the colour drained from her face, the adorable blush at her cheeks had held now veiled in white. "There are...ghosts in Fin Falls?"

"Didn't you read the books that my Malanai gave you? The whole reason why we're going there is because it's been deserted for over two hundred years, no one goes there anymore and they never will thanks to it's history."

Ty wasn't at all fazed by the cities history and even less so by the idea of ghosts. The dead couldn't hurt what they couldn't touch.

"Tyron, I want you to tell me everything!" She took his firmly by the shoulders and shook, "Remember who you're talking to here, okay? I'm not an elf, I don't know the history of Siofra as well as you do...and believe it or not, the idea of ghosts freak me out!"

"There's nothing to be freaked out about, since the ghosts are only angry with..." He trailed off as realisation dawned on him. "Hmm, we may have a problem."

"What problem!?" Faye was on him faster than he'd ever seen her move before, pinning him down face first onto the grass. "I have problems up to here-" He felt her lift one arm before returning it to his back. "I don't need any more!"

Ty couldn't help himself – he chuckled. The situation was so alien to him that it was funny.

"I have never been in a position like this before..." He smirked, trying to shift below her. "I have to admit it's not all that bad."

"Tyron!" Her palm slapped at his back. "Tell me the story of Fin Falls, right now!"

"There's nothing much to tell," He tucked his right arm beneath his head. "Two hundred years ago loads of people lived there, more so than they do in Amethyst now, but then the humans broke through the portal and everything changed. The portal to and from the worlds used to be located there, which meant it was the main aim of destruction. Alaric Fin, the elder who lived there, saved Siofra by tapping into his maximum essence; he locked the city in a high, stone walls, sealing everyone inside...then killed them all, humans and elves alike, well...the ones that survived the slaughter anyway. The power he unleashed even killed him too – hence the name of the city. He may not have been able to save the people of the city, but he managed to save the rest of the world. Naming one abandoned and haunted city is the least they could have done for him."

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