157: Tyron

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Tyron watched the females retreat and felt his stomach drop. There was something different about Faye in the last few days – she'd barely looked at him, her attention solely set on Moira. It was almost like there had been a switch between them, something that had shifted Faye's thoughts on him. Something off-putting.

It was that thought that had Ty turning toward the forest.

As he walked through the wood, he thought back to what his mother had said. Lita was the easy option, in every sense of the word; she came with financial security, a proper roof over his head, plus she was crazy about him – maybe a little too crazy – all he'd have to do was give her a few children and his social standing would be solidified.

But Faye was the obstacle in that plan. Despite everything, there was a flurry in his chest every time she looked at him, like someone had released a horde of butterflies there.

A chorus of giggles caught his attention, tearing him from his thoughts. Ty looked up, splashing sounds coming from the river. He was about to pear over the top of the bushes to inspect, when one of the gigglers burst through from the other side, slamming into his chest. Dressed in thin blue swimming wraps, the redheaded female looked up at him, eyes wide. It was less than a heartbeat before she started laughing again.

"Hello," She smiled, her eyes drifting up and down the length of him. "You don't have to watch from behind here. You're welcome to join us." When Ty didn't offer a reply, she turned on back, arm holding back the shrubbery. "We have company!"

He was trying his best not to notice the material on her body was practically see-through. Things got harder, however, when her two other friends emerged from the water, their wraps just as thinly applied as the redheads. Tyron visibly swallowed. "Excuse, I really have to be somewhere else."


The voice was instantly familiar. Looking away from the first female, Ty caught the dark green eyes of non-other than Lita. Her brown hair was wet and pushed back out of her face, the wrap around her body a deep red, every curve on show. "Ty!"

Excitement had her lurching toward him, her arms wrapping around his waist, her wet body flush against him. "You're back!"

"Yeah..." Not knowing where to put him hands, Tyron settled on her shoulders. "I've been busy."

"Wait," The redhead spoke up as Lita peeled herself from him, though her hands remained locked onto his arm. "This is the famous Tyron Thorn?"

The smaller, dark haired female, bit her lip. "You were not lying when you told us about him. Oh, Lita, if I wasn't jealous of you before, I definitely am now."

Gloating in her friends appraisal, Lita ignored their stares. "Where have you been? You're malanai told me you were visiting friends. Why didn't you tell me?"

Trying to hide his annoyance, Tyron stepped back toward the path. "It was a last minute thing. Look, I have to go, Lita... got to get back to the city."

She pouted, but followed him. "Deyash nek'tai."

When her arm linked through his and she waved goodbye to her friends, it didn't leave him many options. Lita seemed content to walk beside him in the midday sun, in nothing but a damp bathing wrap and barefeet. "I have so much to tell you, Ty. The Kings Guard have been here! Did your malanai tell you?"

"She may have mentioned it."

"They've apparently been spotted at Artemis' building and Luna's cottage. Do you think they're up to no good?"

Tyron sighed; this was going to be one long walk back.

Des'Tai: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now