103: Tyron

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A laugh burst free from his lips before Tyron could stop it. "What?" He asked, shaking his head. "She can't be my life mate...it's impossible."

"Not in this case," Artemis smiled. "You're the first elf in history to find the other half of his soul locked within a human. It's quite amazing actually."

Ty stepped back until his back connected with the table. Every time he tried to process the idea of Faye being his... No, he simply couldn't. What he felt for Faye was confusing, sure, and it didn't make sense half the time, but the bond between life mates was supposed to be immediate.

And his emotions for his fairy certainly didn't come instantly.

He wasn't in love with her. Oh, no. Tyron cared for her and wanted to protect her, but that wasn't because he was falling in love with her, after all, what had she given him to love? For the time that she'd been here, Faye had spent most of that time in fairy form and even more of that time angry at him. He'd hardly seen the proper side of her.

How could two people love each other if they didn't know what they were really like?

Suddenly, as his thoughts continued to wander, Luna was at his side and gently taking Faye from his hold. "I know it's different for you two then it normally is for two elves. The feelings and the love aren't instant..."

"It appears that the human side of the coupling is slowing the whole process down," Artemis finished, his expression thoughtful. "I still haven't worked it out completely, myself. That's what I've been doing on earth for the past few days – researching. Humans are very...complex creatures."

That was the understatement of the century.

Tyron raked his fingers roughly through his hair, "No...she isn't. I would feel it if she was...and I can't! She's a human! Humans don't have life mates, they get married to the wrong people and cheat on each other with complete strangers!"

"Do you dream of her?"

Artemis' question caught Ty off guard. He paused, his mouth open as he tried to search for the right words, "I...I...don't see what that has to do with anything."

"It has everything to do with it, Tyron." With slow and carefully steps Artemis closed the gap between them and dropped his hands firmly onto Ty's shoulders. "When I first met Luna, I dreamt of nothing else but her beauty and her touch for weeks. I'd wake up disappointed that it wasn't real. She consumed my thoughts and everything around me reminded me of her. Now, I shall ask you again...Do you dream of her?"

Tyron frowned and diverted his gaze to the stars above them, "Maybe."

"What kind of dreams are they?" He could hear the smile in the elves voice, even without looking at him.

"They differ, sometimes it can just be her face, other times it can be more..." Ty trailed off, not quite willing to go into that much detail. "Is that why the stars fell, because of us? Our...coupling, as you call it?"

Both Luna and Artemis nodded. "It's certainly having its effect of Siofra."

All this information at once, it was too much for Ty to process and his head pounded worse than it ever had before. "This can't be happening."

"But it's the truth, Tyron," Luna beamed. "It's a miracle! Some day you will half a child of both worlds and-"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ty pushed himself up from the table. "Steady on there. Children? Um, no. What part of this don't you seem to understand? Human's aren't even allowed to step foot in Siofra, so what the heck do you think they'll do to me for coupling with one...and what do you think they'll do to her?! This can't happen. We can't be together like that no matter what the hell you think...and we certainly can't have children!"

Before Tyron knew what he was doing, he was pacing the length of the room and back, his head shaking back uncontrollably. "You have to send her home, Artemis," He breathed, "She'll be safer there. Away from this place, this crazy situation and...away from me." 

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