27: Tyron

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A small bell chimed above the door as they entered the toy shop, announcing to everyone inside that they were there. Instantly, an elderly woman looked up from her place behind the desk and smiled warmly, "Unosar," She greeted, with a bow of her head.

Tyron nodded in return, "Unosar. Could you point me in the direction of your dolls, or preferably, dolls clothing." There was no need to beat around the bush. Tyron was in the store for one reason and one reason only.

The woman gave him a perplexed look, "Is it for your daughter?"

Ty opened his mouth to ask how that was her business, but quickly stopped. His mother had always encouraged him to respect his elders, even if they were nosey as hell. "Yes," He nodded. "Do you have any?"

"Isn't that lovely?" She beamed, moving from behind the desk. "Follow me."

Following closely behind the woman, Tyron could feel Faye moving about awkwardly in his pocket. Why did she find it so impossible to stay still, even for a few minutes? He could have sworn she did it simply to annoy him.

Raising his hand, Tyron tapped at his pocket, hard enough to give her a hint.

As they were led through the long length of the store, Tyron allowed his gaze to wonder around at the toys he remembered from his childhood, each memory happier than the last. His parents had doted on him when he was younger, showering him in all the love he could ever need or want. Ty had been the child that had completed their happiness – or so his mother told him.

He sighed, suddenly missing his father more than he had in a long time.

"Here we go," With a wave of her wrinkled hand, the elderly woman pointed to the far wall. "If it's dolls clothes your daughter is wanting, then we have a wide variety. They're very popular, so we make sure to keep a lot in stock."

Tyron raised his brows and the lines and lines of small outfits. "Wow...um...thanks."

With one last bow of her head, the woman left Tyron standing there seemingly alone.

Faye burst from his pocket and punched as hard as she could against his chest. "If you ever do that again then I swear I'm going to-"

He cut her off with one nod of his head, "Look."

Continuing to ramble, mostly to herself, Faye gradually turned around in his pocket and faced the row after row of clothes. At first she simply stared silently at them, her fingers drumming at the material of his jacket thoughtfully. Then, after some pause, Faye sighed out deeply. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Try to choose something with hardly no back, otherwise we'll have to cut holes in them for your wings, and I don't have money to waste on buying you more."

She looked up at him, unbelieving the words he was saying. "Tyron, these clothes are-"

"They'll fit you, Faye." He groaned. "So stop being so awkward for two seconds. I'm trying here, okay? This is the only way I can think of helping you..." And repaying her too. After all, it was his fault she'd torn one of her wings. Tyron shrugged and rubbed anxiously at the back of his neck, "There's some nice dresses there. Maybe you could give one of them a try?"

Faye's features softened, "I...I'm sorry, Tyron. I don't mean to be-"

"It doesn't matter," He quickly shrugged the subject off. "Let's just choose some stuff and get this over with. This place is creeping me out."

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