01: Tyron

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It was a day just like every other; barely noon and already countless things had gone wrong. Not only was Tyron late for work (again) but he'd also had the misfortune of 'bumping' into Lita, his forced, sort of girlfriend. Their meetings were becoming more and more suspicious – he'd be finishing work and she'd be there, or he'd be buying his dinner at the take-out down from his apartment and she'd walk in after him.

Tyron mentally noted to thank his mother for that one.

He stumbled through the doorway of the bar, tripping over his own shoelace and only just narrowly managing to catch himself on the nearest stool.

Tyron cursed under his breath and righted himself.

"Nice to see you decided to come in, Ty." Merrick's voice sounded from somewhere nearby. "Only forty minutes late, this time."

Tyron tucked his loose lace into his boot, "Sorry, Mer, I blame Lita – again."

The tall, lean elf leant against the counter top, watching with narrowed eyes as Ty made his way through the empty bar. "You saw her again this morning? She's got to be stalking you, Ty."

"It's a good thing she's hot."

"Even the hot ones can be psychopaths."

"That's true," Tyron dumped his coat in the first possible spot. "Looks like it's going to be another busy morning."

Apart from the two older locals in the corner, nursing the same drink they'd probably bought an hour ago, Roch Bar was empty. It was almost always like this in the mornings, only getting busier when the sun went down.

"Isn't it always?" Merrick looked toward the door, a distant longing in his eyes. "This situation you have with Lita right now, I don't get it."

"What's not to get?"

"Your mother set you up with her, right? Because she wants to grow up already, get married and give her little annoying grandchildren."

"Hey," Tyron held up a hand. "Any future children I might have may be annoying, but they'll be the best looking kids you'll ever see."

A grin tugged at one corner of his mouth, "Mhmm, not sure how I missed that detail. But honestly, if you don't like her then why don't you just tell her and your mother that?"

"I don't know," Ty shrugged. "The idea of it keeps my mother happy, so for now, that's enough. I have no intension of marrying her, or anyone for that matter, at least not right now anyway."

"You're lucky to have someone that wants to marry you, Tyron. I've been single so long that I've lost track of the time."

"You can have Lita if you like," He was more than happy to hand her over. Merrick would be the perfect match for the perky brunette.

"Wow, thanks soooo much, Ty. I appreciate the gift!"

"You don't have to be sarcastic about it..."

"Yes, I do, now get down in that cellar and bring up another barrel, I'm not paying you to stand around and yap."

Slowly, a smirk crawled to Tyron's lips. "Yes, you are. That's all I ever do – and bring in the female customers of course, you can't forget that."

They both looked toward the old men in the corner.

"Oh, yea...the place is bustling with them." With a roll of his eyes, Merrick tossed Tyron the keys to the cellar door.

"Sarcasm should be your middle name," Ty pointed out, twisting the keys between his fingers. "Just you wait until tonight, we'll have plenty of females in then. You might even get lucky and...well...get lucky." 

Des'Tai: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now