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"LEE SONGHEE WAKE UP!" jeno knocked loudly on songhee's bedroom door and opened it

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"LEE SONGHEE WAKE UP!" jeno knocked loudly on songhee's bedroom door and opened it.

lee songhee opened her eyes enough to make out the figure of her older brother standing in the doorway. "go away," she mumbled.

"come on, it's the first day of school!" jeno tried to sound convincingly excited.

"yay. school. great," songhee reluctantly sat upright. she sighed.

"it's your senior year at high school, you should be more excited than that!" jeno plopped himself down on the purple bean bag in his sister's room.

"i would be excited if it weren't for the fact that i had to move schools," songhee emphasised gloomily.

"oh come on, we've been through this conversation multiple times already."

songhee huffed and got out of bed, starting towards her closet to pull out her new uniform. she chucked it unceremoniously on her bed.

"dad literally just ironed that, heehee," jeno tutted, grinning.

"don't call me heehee, nono," songhee grimaced.

"i mean, i don't mind 'nono', but suit yourself," he shrugged. "i'll be waiting for you downstairs, dad told me to drive you to school."


songhee waited until jeno left the room. after her eyes left the closed door, she looked down at her navy blue and brown uniform.

"could be uglier," she reassured herself.

after trying to salvage some of the creases in her blouse, songhee put on her new blazer and left the room with her phone.

"morning dad," songhee hopped down the stairs, three at a time.

"morning honey- hey, what did i say about jumping down the stairs?" her dad paused, looking up from his coffee and laptop.

"you said that i'd trip and bash my head open," songhee responded.

"exactly, so don't do it."

"but i haven't bashed my head open yet and it's been quite a few years, so..." 

jeno and songhee's father, kihwan, chuckled.

"suit yourself," kihwan dismissed with a flick of his wrist. "there's pancakes in the kitchen, hurry or you'll be late to school."

"ok," songhee began to walk in slow motion towards the kitchen. her father observed her with a mental facepalm.

"it's alright, dad, i got this," jeno took his sister by the shoulders and forced her out the door while stuffing a pancake in her mouth.

"hey! get me my bag at least!" songhee said between mouthfuls.

jeno scooped up her bag beside the door.

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