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"hey," donghyuck waved at songhee and jisung down the hallway

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"hey," donghyuck waved at songhee and jisung down the hallway. it was the end of the school day and everyone had their bags, eger to go home.

"hi hyuck," songhee greeted. jisung grinned a 'hey'.

"um, can i steal songhee for a moment? i need to talk to her," donghyuck's eyes flit between the two.

"uh, sure?" jisung laughed. and songhee nodded 'ok' at donghyuck.

"you go on first," songhee dismissed jisung with a wave. "so, what is it that you must tell me, lee donghyuck?"

"um... i just want to apologise, for all the times i teased you guys, or offended you in any way," he fumbled over his words.

"aw, that's ok. i forgive you."

"-and also, the reason why i did it was because..." hyuck scratched behind his ear. "well, it was because i was jealous of you two, mainly jisung, actually."

"huh, why?" this was news for songhee.

"i uh- used to have a crush on you..."

"oh," songhee nodded, not comprehending what donghyuck just said. "wait, whAT?"

donghyuck nodded and songhee glanced at him weirdly.

"you still do!?"

"nono, i got over you," donghyuck chuckled. "plus, you and jisung are meant to be, i'm waiting till the day one of you asks the other out." he winked.

songhee stammered. "w-what, no....?"

donghyuck imitated her stutter and songhee whacked his back.

"ouch- i'll get going then," donghyuck grinned playfully. songhee was about to turn and leave. "wait, songhee."


"it's my birthday today," donghyuck chuckled.

"happy birthday big boy," songhee grinned. "i'd buy you a present but you only decided to tell me now."

"can i get a kiss on the cheek then?" he joked.

songhee flushed at the memory of her pecking jisung's cheek. "n-no!"

"it's a joke, sweetie," donghyuck ruffled her hair, and left.


"what did he tell you?" jisung asked once songhee had caught up to him.

"oh, just that he was sorry for being rude and stuff," songhee shrugged.

"that's it?"

"and he said he used to like me," songhee added.

"you didn't know before?"

songhee turned to gape at jisung. "yOU KNEW?"

jisung shrugged. "it was kinda obvious..."

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