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(one month later, saturday, mid-may)

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(one month later, saturday, mid-may)

"PARK JISUNG LET'S GOOO!" songhee was trying to drag jisung out of his bed by his arm.

jisung woke up with a start. "w-what!? how did you get here?" his eyes widened when he took in the situation. songhee was there all dressed up to go out, dragging him out of bed, and he (regrettably) only slept with just a shirt and his boxers on.

"WAIT!" jisung slammed his free arm over the blanket that was just about to drop off the side of the bed.

"what?" she said impatiently and let go of his arm. 

jisung's face flushed and his expression was almost pained.

songhee's face softened this time. "what is it..?"

"i-" jisung couldn't think of a better way to phrase it. "i don't have any pants on."

"ohhh," songhee chuckled. "then go put some pants on, i'll be waiting downstairs."

jisung exhaled, exasperated, after songhee left. he checked the time on his phone - it was nearly eleven.

songhee and jisung, as you might have noticed, had grown so close to the point that songhee was barely even fazed by the notification that jisung was in his underwear. they were supposed to be going out together today - not on a date though. it was about a week ago that jisung raised the idea of maybe a day out, and songhee's immense excitement that somehow led to jisung agreeing to go to lotte world with her. songhee didn't know about his fear of rides - yet.

jisung got out of bed and fumbled around for something to wear, before tucking in the front of his shirt as he made his way down the stairs.

"there he is, finally," songhee grinned. she turned to face iseul and yoonsung, and bowed. "thank you ma'am and sir," she addressed cheekily, to which yoonsung chuckled. "i'll make sure jisung is safe and with me at all times and i promise to have him back by eight."

"oh don't fret about that dear," iseul began to push jisung and songhee towards the door. "have fun!"

jisung managed to catch his mother wink at him before the door closed behind them.

"off we go!" songhee linked arms with jisung as he stumbled forwards a few steps due to her abrupt motion.

"yah you're gonna break my arm!" jisung laughed as the two made their way to the bus stop for the twenty-five minute drive to lotte world.

they jumped on board the bus just before the doors closed and went right to the back of the bus after paying their fare. songhee plopped herself by the window and jisung sat next to her.

songhee groaned, mumbling. "ugh... we should've left earlier, there's gonna be so many people there," she narrowed her eyes at jisung jokingly. 

"sorry," he laughed lightly. "eleven o'clock is considered early on the weekends, isn't it?"

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