twenty five

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kihwan's cooking skills were praised several times throughout their dinner, and it wasn't long before the three men (jeno included), were laughing and drinking the night away

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kihwan's cooking skills were praised several times throughout their dinner, and it wasn't long before the three men (jeno included), were laughing and drinking the night away.

thankfully, songhee and jisung had excused themselves from the table before they had to hear their family's embarrassing drunken tales that were almost always about them.

"ha..." songhee exhaled loudly as she and jisung sat down on the front lawn. they were smart in bringing a picnic mat and some light blankets to cover their freezing legs. they huddled together, keeping warm. "this is nice."

jisung nodded. the streets were quiet and peaceful, and the background chatter and laughs of their dads and jeno made the silence seem less awkward.

"it feels like we have nothing to do, now that the suneung's over," jisung grinned at songhee.

"yeah, it's weird," songhee nodded, then added with a smile. "nothing to stress about."

"well, at least until we actually go to uni," jisung shrugged.

"if we go," songhee joked.

"yAH! don't make me stressed again!" jisung muttered, pouting. "i already know i stuffed up the second last maths question..."

"ugh, so what?" songhee puffed, and jisung laughed. he slung an arm around songhee and she leaned lightly against his shoulder.

the two looked up to the sky, the moon shining brightly. the rare sight of stars scattered the dark abyss.

"imagine what it'd be like to be a star," songhee sighed. 


"imagine it. you shine and your light travels trillions of kilometres just so we can see a tiny speck twinkle," songhee adjusted her head so that it fit comfortably under jisung's jaw. "did you know that it takes about eight minutes for the light from stars to reach the earth?"

"no, i didn't know that," jisung chuckled.

"so technically, a star could die, but we wouldn't know it until eight minutes later," songhee pondered. "that's interesting to think about."

"i think you think too much," jisung grinned, pulling the blanket up to his torso. "sometimes it's good to think less, makes your mind less cluttered."

"maybe i should try that," songhee chuckled, lifting her head off jisung's shoulder. they looked at each other for a moment, the lights in the house behind them lighting up the sides of their faces. songhee smiled softly.

tell her now.... tell her now! jisung's internal voice pressed. it's the perfect opportunity!

instead, jisung just sighed. "are you cold?"

"hm, not really," songhee was warm enough, bundled up right next to jisung. she blushed when she realised this, but it was too dark to tell. "you?"

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