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the sound of the school bell for monday morning roused jisung and songhee from their brief nap at their desk

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the sound of the school bell for monday morning roused jisung and songhee from their brief nap at their desk. 

"so class," miss kim cheered brightly, "good morning!"

"good morning miss kim," those who were bothered responded, half-dead inside.

"i hope you've all managed to get some of the macbeth project going on! i'm so excited to see what you brilliant minds all come up with," she smiled sweetly. "today in class we are going to continue analysing the next few scenes, so i hope they can inspire you some more!"

jisung and songhee looked at each other, slightly panicked. the two had made no progress on the work and donghyuck was basically non-existent at this point now. all that was on their planning document was just a few embarrassing lines of incoherent planning.

"let's go ask donghyuck at recess if he's gonna work on it with us or not," songhee decided. "we've gotta actually start, it's due in two weeks and we're supposed to practice it as well."

jisung nodded and they resumed to listen to their class.


"yah, lee donghyuck," songhee called assertively once most of the other students had left the classroom for break. donghyuck spun his body around in his chair.

"what, lee songhee?" he answered, almost tiredly.

"you didn't work on the project."

"neither did you," donghyuck responded smartly.

"true," jisung shrugged admittedly.

"so are you gonna join us after school sometime to work on it?" songhee crossed her arms and walked towards him.

donghyuck was momentarily knocked senseless as he stared at songhee's figure.

she has nice legs...

"lee donghyuck, are you listening?"

"no...?" he said, redirecting his thoughts back to reality.

"are you gonna help or not?" songhee repeated.

"no," he said defiantly, turning back around to mind his own business and try to shut down all his thoughts about songhee.

"why not?" songhee pressed.

"i know we hate each other but this is a group project that actually counts to our grades!" jisung began to become impatient and there was anxiousness in his tone.

the three stood in silence.

"lee donghyu-"


donghyuck's sudden outburst left jisung and songhee in shock. the pleading desperation hidden behind his yell went unnoticed by songhee, but not jisung. songhee opened her mouth to speak but gave up on the thought. jisung tried to search his eyes for whatever he was hiding.

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