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at lunch, they met up with mark again to collect their daily bag of chips after eating their actual meal in the cafeteria

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at lunch, they met up with mark again to collect their daily bag of chips after eating their actual meal in the cafeteria. they sat side by side, just the two of them, but they didn't feel alone or like outsiders at all.

"hey can we head back up to the classroom? i have some things i wanna show you," jisung asked songhee when they had put away their utensils.

"sure," songhee nodded.


when the two were back in their classroom, jisung bobbed down and opened his small locker, lined up against the back wall like all the other lockers. he opened the empty locker directly above his as well.

"that's your locker," he said, indicating the empty one above his, moving some of the snacks from his locker to hers. songhee was immediately touched by his action - it meant a great deal to her that someone was willing to share their snacks with her.

jisung looked up to her from his crouching position and stood up. "friends gotta share right? sharing is caring." he grinned. 

"damn thanks man," songhee clapped in respect.

"oh right wait-" jisung crouched back down and rummaged through his locker. "i keep a blank sticker sheet in here so i can label my stuff, ah, here it is."

jisung pulled out the sheet and began to write on it

"it was lee, right? lee songhee," he asked, not looking up.

"ah, yeah."

songhee could make out her name from jisung's messy scrawl.

"oops, maybe you should've written it instead, my handwriting is really ugly, isn't it," jisung realised awkwardly.

"nah it's fine, your handwriting i mean," songhee reassured him. "plus, it really suits you."

"you mean i'm ugly?" jisung joked, but he was also unsure whether songhee was joking or not.

"no, i told you before, you suit being a little on the messy side. it looks good, suits you well..." songhee trailed off.

jisung stuck the sticker on her locker wonkily and grinned. "okay then."


the first day of school drew to a close at four thirty. the two walked to the front gate together: jisung with hands in his pockets, and songhee, with arms crossed over her chest. the two strolled casually.

"hey i was thinking we should exchange numbers," songhee noted, passing jisung her phone, after unlocking it.

"oh that's a good idea," jisung said, handing songhee his phone, in a trade.

they stood there momentarily, typing in their numbers.

"except let's use kakao more often, i like the chat background i set," songhee commented with a grin.

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