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songhee paced for what seemed like the fourth time around her room

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songhee paced for what seemed like the fourth time around her room. 

what to wear, what to wear, what to wear...!?

songhee stopped every now and then in front of her walk-in closet, oblivious to the fact that jeno was peeking through the gap in her door.

"what the fuck are you doing?" jeno finally said after getting sick of songhee walking in circles.

songhee jumped at jeno's voice.

"i'm making an important life decision right now," songhee said in her defense.

"yes. wonderful," jeno mocked sarcastically, but then laughed and smirked playfully. "so, you going on a date? with that jisung kid?"

"it's not a date," songhee said simply. "we're just watching a movie."

"oh come on, it's obviously a date," jeno insisted.

"not when neither of us have romantic feelings for each other," songhee shrugged, laying out beige slacks.

"how about those slacks with that shirt tucked in under that flannel jacket?" jeno suggested helpfully, pointing to each item of clothing.

songhee picked them out. "these?"

jeno nodded as songhee surveyed the outfit.

"you have nice taste," songhee admitted. "maybe you could be my personal stylist or something," she laughed.

jeno grinned. "anytime," and he left the room with a wink.

songhee left the house, tucking in the front of her loose, white graphic tee. she let her dark grey flannel shirt remain unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up, the wind flapping around the hemline.

songhee tapped her feet intermittently as she waited for jisung outside of the cinema. she sat on the bench for a few quick minutes before someone else sat right next to her.

"hi," jisung grinned, waving in front of her face. songhee snapped out of her brief spacing out session, and smiled at the sight of her friend. "you look nice today."

"same goes for you," songhee nodded, looking jisung up and down. 

what the two were wearing coincidentally complemented each other - jisung was wearing dark grey jeans and a black hoodie.

"hey look, we're matching," songhee laughed, tapping jisung's leg. "nice jeans."

jisung didn't try to suppress his laugh. "thank you, kind madam. shall we get going to buy some food now?"

songhee and jisung set off to the shops. songhee had her arms loosely wrapped around one of jisung's. 

songhee liked feeling attached, but not clingy. she made sure to only hold him softly.

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