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songhee managed to sneak through the back door of the classroom two minutes after the bell, but she went unnoticed since the regular bustle of a school morning covered her up well - especially on the first day

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songhee managed to sneak through the back door of the classroom two minutes after the bell, but she went unnoticed since the regular bustle of a school morning covered her up well - especially on the first day.

small and large clusters of established friend groups sat relaxed on desks, catching up on what they did over the break. songhee felt a pang of longing to be back in jeju.

she scanned the room for a quieter spot to settle down. her eyes landed on the empty desk directly in front of her, which she hadn't noticed when she first walked in. 

this is the spot. it's at the back of the room and right next to the door. songhee grinned to herself, happy with her lucky score.

the student at the desk next to the one songhee was eyeing was slouched against the wall with his earphones in.

songhee knocked on his desk. "hey, is this seat taken?"

the boy opened his eyes and looked to his left where songhee stood.

"oh-" the two pointed to each other at the same time.

"jisung, right?"

jisung nodded. "and you're songhee."

songhee grinned. "so... can i sit here?"

"um... if you want to," jisung took out his earphones and put them away. he scratched the nape of his neck. "so we meet again, huh?"

"yeah this is weird, what a coincidence," songhee's laughter rose awkwardly in her throat as she sat down.

"you know, are you sure you're alright with me sitting here? you probably have friends you're saving this seat for-"

"sit here," jisung blurted.

"o-oh, okay."

"no one usually sits next to me anyway?"

songhee shot him a look of confusion. "why?"

"i don't really have any friends."

"oh..." songhee bit her lip, not knowing what to say. "well, neither do i."


"i'm new, remember."

"oh, right. i forgot."

the two looked away from each other. songhee drummed her fingers on the side of her desk.

"why don't you have any friends thought?" songhee's voice caused jisung to look up at her again. "i mean, you seem nice and all."

"i..." jisung trailed off but continued with a sad smile. "i just don't really see where i fit in, that's all."

songhee's heart fell. she knew that feeling much too well. 

jisung continued. "well you see, i  like to dance," he admitted bashfully. "i sometimes use the practice rooms after school just to de-stress and dance."

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