thirty one

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"so glad you could come," kihwan chuckled, slapping jisung firmly across the shoulders

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"so glad you could come," kihwan chuckled, slapping jisung firmly across the shoulders. the lee family and jisung sat around the dinner table, having a well-prepared birthday dinner. kihwan grinned, feeling the sturdiness of jisung's shoulders. "my, you are well built."

"dad stop embarrassing us," jeno said quickly, laughing as jisung looked mildly uncomfortable.

"okay okay," kihwan drew back his arm and toasted for songhee's birthday. "today we are gathered here today because ma'am here is now officially an adult! congratulations, you're halfway to forty!"

songhee laughed and grimaced. "nooo i don't wanna grow up, i'm gonna be old and boring like you," she stuck out her tongue at her dad, which he winked and they clinked their glasses. jisung was the only one with apple juice as the others were adults and drank alcohol.

songhee downed her first shot of soju. "ewww yuck, what the chicken mcnuggets is this?"

jeno and kihwan looked at her, dumfounded.

"what, you don't like it?" jeno expressed.

"it's bitter and too strong." songhee set her glass down. jisung continued to sip on his juice.

"well, hopefully jisung will like it when he gets to drink it," kihwan joked.


when the clocked ticked past ten, kihwan, jeno and songhee waved jisung off as he bowed and set on his way home.

"oh, you're home," yoonsung noticed his son quietly sit himself down in the living room. he had a smile on his face. "you're in good spirits, have you had dinner?"

"oh right!" jisung slapped a hand to his forehead. "i forgot to tell you, songhee's family invited me over for her birthday dinner."

jisung wondered if his father had been waiting for him, and eventually gave up and ate alone. a sense of guilt washed over him.

"oh that's fine." yoonsung grinned.

jisung noticed the leftover dish that was made for two, sitting on the kitchen bench. yoonsung quickly packed these away and then sat down next to jisung, drawing his attention away from his phone.

"are you and songhee dating?"

jisung's eyes widened. his dad had never taken interest in his personal life before, let alone asked him about girls.


"no? am i mistaken?"

"no! i mean, yeah we're dating," jisung mumbled.

"no wonder." yoonsung sighed with a smile.

"no wonder... what?"

"you're happier lately, whenever you go out with songhee."

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