twenty three

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it was nearly midnight

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it was nearly midnight. jisung and songhee were back on the couch, on their own phones and showing each other memes.

songhee you're probably not asleep yet :)
don't sleep too late
also send me a picture of where you're sleeping
and then one of where jisung is sleeping

songhee chuckled and smiled at her phone. "wait, where am i sleeping?" she asked jisung.

"you can take my room, i'll sleep in my dad's room," jisung grinned.

"cool," songhee said, returning to her phone to tell her dad. she got up and took and began to record a video.

"jisung-ah, say hi! it's for my dad." 

"hi, sir!" jisung looked up from his phone and waved.

"now this is where i'm sleeping," songhee pushed open the door to jisung's room. "it's jisung's room. jisung is gonna sleep in his dad's room."

songhee walked across the hallway and down one door to the master bedroom.

"he gets a bigger bed than me, but that's ok since this is his house."

"what?" jisung laughed from the living room. songhee finished recording the video and sent it to her dad, along with a heart emoji.

ok good, just checking
good night sweetie ❤️
be back for lunch tomorrow, okay?

lee songhee
good night dad!

songhee closed her phone and went back to the living room. jisung closed his eyes, stretched and yawned.

"you tired?" songhee sat down beside him, leaning against the back of the sofa and pillows.

"i'm trying not to be," jisung grinned. "let's go back to my room and play mario kart."

songhee and jisung played mario kart into the next day...


"maybe..." songhee rubbed her eyes, eyelids heavy. she set down the controller of the switch. "i think... i'm gonna sleep now."

jisung and songhee had been playing for the past three hours, and they were both incredibly sleepy. they were sitting on top of jisung's blanket, when songhee decided 'nope, i'm out', fell back and immediately began to sleep.

jisung stared at her sleeping form blankly. he smiled softly. it was kind of cold now, and although jisung was snug in his hoodie, songhee's arms were bare from just a t-shirt.

with the energy jisung had left, he slid off the bed, trying not to shake it. he walked around to the other side and wriggled his arm underneath songhee's back and legs, lifting her gently. with his foot, he kicked the blanket open and placed her back down, carefully resting her head on the pillow.

skinny love . park jisungWhere stories live. Discover now