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"class," the teacher began when most of the class had settled down

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"class," the teacher began when most of the class had settled down. he turned around to write his name on the board. "i am your homeroom and maths teacher, as most of you know. the name is mr kwon. i am sure most of you are quite tired of this introduction already - but there is a purpose."

the students sat in anticipation.

"we have a new student amongst us."

the class murmured and looked around, searching for the new face.

"new student, please stand up," mr kwon said, looking straight at songhee.

songhee rose reluctantly. she felt everyone's eyes burning into her and she felt uncomfortable from all the attention.

"if any of you were observant enough, i would have hoped you'd had introduced yourselves to her already," he conveyed reprovingly, "but seeing as you all didn't, she will introduce herself now. student, introduce yourself please."

"hi, i'm lee songhee."

the class sat staring at her.

"where you from?" a boy called out.

"none of your-" songhee caught mr kwon's deathly stare, and decided to answer the question properly. "i'm from jeju."

"oh cool, are you single?" the same boy jeered.

songhee growled internally, but she put on her fakest, sweet smile. "no, i'm taken, sorry."

the class broke out into 'OHHHHHH'S' and that boy felt the burn.

"that's enough, lee donghyuck," mr kwon reprimanded. he gestured to songhee. "sit down please."

songhee sat down twice as fast as she stood up. 

mr. kwon began his ceremonial lecture of classroom etiquette and expectations, leaving songhee feeling free to zone out.

"hey, are you actually not single?" jisung asked out of genuine curiosity.

"what, are you interested in me?" songhee joked.

"n-no, it's just that i thought friends should know these things about each other," jisung stammered, hoping that songhee wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"oh, well now you know."

"oh, okay," jisung nodded. "is he nice - your boyfriend?"

"how do you know they're not a girlfriend?"

"that's not what i meant, i'm sorry!" jisung quickly corrected himself.

songhee laughed, slapping jisung's back lightly. "i'm just messing with you. i'm straight and i don't have a boyfriend."

"oh, okay."

"is that your favourite phrase?"


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