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"hyung, open up," lee donghyuck thudded on the back door of the cafeteria

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"hyung, open up," lee donghyuck thudded on the back door of the cafeteria. "mark lee OPEN UP!"

"what," mark answered drily, opening the door to reveal his younger brother with a bruised face. "woah what happened to your face?"

"got punched," donghyuck shrugged.

"understandable, with that personality of yours," mark began to close the door. 

"hyung, please-"

mark kept the door open and raised an eyebrow. "what do you want?"

"can i get a can of coke?" the younger brother asked. mark didn't respond. "please?" donghyuck added.

mark turned his back.

"noo, don't go-"

donghyuck was quickly interrupted when a can of coke was chucked at him. he narrowly missed catching it and it clattered to the floor.

"aw, damn. it didn't explode," mark said, crestfallen. donghyuck rolled his eyes and picked up the can.

"great. now i have to wait before i can open it," donghyuck grumbled.

mark chuckled. "see ya then," he waved and closed the door.

donghyuck strolled back to the classrooms building, cola in hand, where class would be starting soon. he smiled knowingly.


"you should be fine now," nurse yoon finished clipping jisung's compression bandage around his body. "this should prevent further swelling."

"thank you, nurse," jisung thanked nurse yoon, and left with songhee.

"so uh," songhee bit her lip once they were out of the infirmary. "you work out."

she said it more like a statement than a question.

jisung avoided looking at songhee, scared that he might slip up and turn red again.

"i told you, i dance," jisung confirmed, carefully. 

"every day?" songhee turned to look at jisung. he nodded. 

"wow, intense," songhee decided to change the topic. "so you uh, practice at home, or..?"

"yeah. i used to go to a dance academy but my parents pulled me out of it when high school started," jisung shrugged sadly. "so i've just been watching videos and practicing in my basement. it's like my own dance studio now since my parents don't use it."

songhee smiled. "nice."

i'm sure that passer-bys would have found the sight of the two gently beaten-up friends funny.

they made a nice pairing. 

"come on," let's go to class," jisung said after a moment.

songhee and jisung walked to class. the experience of being by each other's side after getting beat up was one that brought them noticeably closer. they absent-mindedly brushed shoulders every now and then, and neither seemed to notice.

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