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jisung and songhee left the cinema, awkwardly walking side by side

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jisung and songhee left the cinema, awkwardly walking side by side. jisung's hands fell loosely by his side as he fiddled with his clump of used tissues. songhee had her hands clasped together, her fingers feeling clammy.

jisung cleared his throat, "u-um songhee?"

"hm?" songhee said, trying to avoid looking at him.


"yeah, what is it?" she replied.

"songhee, please look at me," jisung said, almost sadly.

songhee brought her eyes to jisung's and she tried to control her uneven breaths. jisung frowned.

"songhee what i actually wanted to say before was..." jisung began and songhee nodded for him to continue. the wind ruffled jisung's hair, which had just been smoothed down by songhee after the movie. jisung had to stare down at his shoes to bring himself to say it. "i wanted to say thank you, not just for being my friend, but making me feel happy."

songhee smiled weakly. "i know."

"i know you know," jisung chuckled. songhee decided to hold onto jisung's arm again and the two both felt more comfortable - closer that way.


the sky was dark. it was well past ten at night. jisung and songhee walked calmly alongside each other. they had just reached jisung's house; songhee's house was about a five minute walk away.

"go on in, it's late, your parents are probably waiting," songhee let go of jisung's arm.

"will you be alright? walking back home by yourself, this dark and late?" jisung began to wonder if he should walk her back. songhee shook her head and pushed him gently to go home.

"don't worry about me," she chuckled, messing up jisung's hair a little. she grinned at how cute jisung looked with the streetlights illuminating the soft fluff of his hair. "if someone kidnaps me, i'll scream that i have a blue belt in taekwondo and won't hesitate to kick them in retaliation."

"terrifying," jisung laughed, assured that songhee would be fine on her own.

"bye, jisung."

"bye," jisung waved from his front porch and closed the door behind him.

jisung stepped inside his house with a lingering smile. he promptly realised that his mother and father were out - it was just him. he read the note stuck to the inside of the front door.

'out for the night. we'll be back tomorrow morning. don't stay up too late.
— mum and dad'

suddenly jisung wished he had walked with songhee. the house felt so empty, it was suffocating. jisung didn't bother kicking off his shoes; he headed right down to his basement to de-stress and dance.

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