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"bye dad!"

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"bye dad!"

"bye sweetie," songhee's father waved from the window.

songhee hummed to her music as she made the short walk to jisung's house. the weather was cooling nowadays, although it was supposed to be spring, and songhee buried her neck in her puffy jacket.

songhee knocked on jisung's front door. it was opened by an unfamiliar man who songhee assumed to be his father. songhee bowed in greeting. he looked at songhee in surprise and uttered out a few words.

"hi sir, i'm lee songhee, i'm in jisung's class at school."

"jisung, your... girlfriend is here...?" he called, bewildered.

"what?" jisung appeared from behind the basement door.

"ah, no, i'm just his friend. jisung said i could come over, sir."

"ah i see," jisung's father smiled. "also, feel free to just call me yoonsung."

"ok s- i mean mister yoonsung," songhee smiled with a bow.

"just drop the 'mister'," yoonsung chuckled with a grin just like jisung's. "it makes me feel older than i already am." he opened the door wide and gestured for songhee to come in. "come in, and don't mind the mess."

"thanks," songhee grinned, about to take off her shoes before entering.

"just leave them on," jisung interjected, "we're going down to the basement anyway."

"oh," songhee stopped and smiled. she bowed a 'thank you' to yoonsung and followed jisung down the stairs to his dance studio.

jisung and songhee made their way down the dimly lit stairs into the bright, brick-walled studio.

"woah," songhee observed her surroundings, "this exposed brick wall is my new aesthetic," she commented.

"really? i think it just looks weird with the grey floor," jisung shrugged. "when i grow up, i wanna design myself a studio and put up mirrors all around the walls."

"to reflect god jisung himself dancing from all angles," songhee joked. 

jisung laughed and made an embarrassed face.

"so, what've you been working on?" songhee plopped herself down on the brown sofa and crossed her legs comfortably.

"it's uh..." jisung scratched the back of his neck. "i found a choreography i really liked on youtube and i just learnt it and uh.... it's not really good yet..."

"it'll be better than i could ever do," songhee leaned back with a grin. "alright, lights, camera, action!"

jisung chuckled and turned on his music. almost instantly, his posture, eyes and expression changed. he seemed to be a whole world away, completely immersed in the music.

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