twenty two

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summer break passed much too quick for jisung and songhee's liking

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summer break passed much too quick for jisung and songhee's liking. however, they did spend some quality time together as  f r  i e n d s .

jisung did admit, at one point, late at night in his basement, over the phone that he wished he could hug songhee whenever he wanted, to which songhee stammered and accidentally hung up. this only made them both laugh it off and grow closer, their feelings deepening. 

sometimes, late at night, songhee would lie on her bed, longing for jisung's touch. once, she recalled the time where she played with his hair on jisung's couch in the basement, and she drifted off to sleep with a smile.

but gone were the days of relaxation, it was now time to go back to school, and the fact that the suneung was only three months away did not help with attempts to cope with stress either.


"did you hear that kim yuna transferred out?" jisung told songhee one day as they chilled on their bench.

"that creepy girl?"

jisung nodded.

"oh..." songhee remembered her excessive stalking and possessive way of thinking. "damn."

songhee had some mixed feelings.

"i mean, that's good, she's gone... but," she trailed off. "i guess i could've been nicer to her. i kinda feel bad for her."

"yea, same," jisung shrugged. "well, we can't really change that," he smiled sadly.

"hey, i knew you two would be here," donghyuck appeared and waved, sitting himself down between them after they moved to give space. 

"hey, hyuck," jisung grinned.

"what's up, donghyuck?"

"my stress levels," he remarked, and they laughed. "so, the creepy stalker bitch is gone, yahoot."

"yahoot," songhee nodded.

"i'm here to make an official statement," donghyuck lounged back, sipping on his can of coke. "after watching you two being all clueless but all affectionate, i have concluded that i'm planning your wedding."

"nani..?" songhee trailed off.

"huh..?" jisung comprehended. 

"so when are you two gonna date?" he slurped his drink loudly for effect.

"um, we don't like each other in that way though...?" songhee spoke for them.

donghyuck spat out his drink in amusement. "hAH, bullshit!"

jisung grimaced as he watched the spat out coke sizzle on the pavement.

"you two are such a joke, ya'll are so whipped for each other. now, i'm gonna go," donghyuck stood up and left, whispering loudly. "DATE, MOTHERFUCKERS."

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