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"so." songhee began, but gave up trying to suggest any ideas as donghyuck and jisung were too immersed in a glaring battle.

donghyuck, jisung and songhee sat around their back table. the class had now split off into groups and were to spend the last ten minutes of their lesson reading through the requirements and brainstorming. the three sat, all arms and legs crossed, in a defensive stature.

"i'm just gonna say this up front," songhee sighed. "jisung and i don't wanna work with you, you don't wanna work with us."

jisung exhaled loudly through his nose.

"but we have to work together," songhee emphasised. songhee disliked donghyuck just as much as jisung did, but she couldn't just let a group project crumble to hell simply because of their hostility. "even though we don't like each other, we have to cooperate."

songhee stressed her last words, eyes flitting between jisung and donghyuck.

donghyuck relaxed his position. "alright."

jisung did the same reluctantly.

"great, thanks," songhee sighed. "now if you've both finished mentally ripping each others' throats out, can we read through the instructions now?"

donghyuck nodded nonchalantly. and jisung merely tilted his head in agreement.

"i'll read it out loud then," songhee picked up the piece of paper, skimming to read the important parts of information. "in your groups of three, you are to write a script in order to perform a three minute scene. your script should be an alternate scene based on an existing one. aspects of each scene can be changed preferentially - e.g. characters, outcomes, conflict, etc. the language used should be modern english."

songhee skipped over some examples and checked the due date. "it's due in two weeks. we'll need to act out the scene in front of the class. it'll be a group mark and will be fifteen percent of our semester total. looks like we gotta hand in a script as well. we won't be allocated any class time for this project, so we'll need to arrange some meet-ups."

jisung nodded, absorbing this information.

"so... can i like, pay you guys thirty dollars each to do the whole thing and i'll get going?" donghyuck tried.

"sounds good."


jisung and songhee spoke at the same time. songhee looked at jisung in disapproval.

"we have to share the workload," songhee said sternly to both of them. "it's only fair this way."

donghyuck groaned. 

"you're always so righteous," jisung mumbled to her. 

"so, can we start after school today? in the library?" donghyuck wanted to get the project done as soon as possible. 

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