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cuz of last chapter... here is a small fluff :)

Darryl's POV

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" I hear Vincent call for Zak and I, which we are currently sitting on my bed in my room playing Uno. I was winning.

I turn my head to see Vincent at the door holding up 3 tickets of something. He grind, "I got us tickets to a carnival!"

Zak's eyes widen, "A carnival? I haven't been to one in such a long time!" He grins, bouncing a it on the bed in joy.

I hum, "When does it open?"

Vincent pulls out his phone, probably to check the time. "The carnival opened like 2 hours ago. So, we have like 10 hours until it closes." Vincent tucks his phone back into his pocket.

"Let's go now! The sooner we go, the more time we have st the carnival!" Zak jumps off the bed and sprints to his room, laughing and cheering.

I smile at his actions, "Alright. Let me grab my stuff. We'll leave in 10 minutes."

Vincent nods and proceeds to walk out of the room.


I park the car and hope out. We reach the large beach and a huge number of booths surround the area. Zak grabs my hand, making me blush a bit. "Let's go! Let's go!" He grins, tugging me along.

Vincent laughs, "You are such a child." He pulls out the tickets and we all walk towards the entrance.

Once it's our turn, Vincent hands the tickets to the staff snd we are soon let in, not before checking Vincent's backpack. He brought it just in case we won anything and as well to carry his camera equipment.

When we are through, Zak stares in awe at his surroundings.

"Do you guys mind if I vlog?" Vincent asks, as he takes out his camera.

Zak shakes his head, "I don't mind! Just send me the footage as well so I can upload this too!" Vincent agrees, then he turns to me.

I bite my lip nervously. "Just don't show my face a lot. I'm still trying to get used to facecam." I tell him.

"Alright. Got it. Just tell me if you are uncomfortable and I'll point the camera away." Vincent smiles.

I thank him and smile back. I feel something grab my hand. I look up and see Zak grabbed my hand and he's tugging me. "C'mon! There's so much to do! We have no time to waste!" He giggles, causing me to lightly blush and Vincent to laugh as he records us.


The day went by smoothly. I mostly followed Zak and Vincent as they went around trying different games and winning at a couple of them.

So far, it's been 4 hours and we just had a snack not too long ago. Vincent currently has won a small stuffed plushie of an octopus and Zak won a deformed Enderman.

They are in Vincent's backpack, which I am now carrying.

Vincent is vlogging, recording the many fun moments that have happened. Soon, something catches his eye. "I'm getting hungry. How about we split up? You guys go have fun while I grab some food." Vincent hums as he closes his camera and motions me to give him his bag, which I do.

Zak nod, "Sure!" He grabs my hand again, making me blush and Vincent to smirk. "C'mon Bad!" He tugs me away and I look back to see Vincent wiggling his eyebrows.

I glare at him, causing him to laugh and turn away.

I follow Zak. We play a few games, mostly losing at them, until a nice food stand catches his eye. He points to the cart which sells Slushies, pretzels, and other snacks.

"Hey, Darryl, can we get Slushies?" Zak asks as he jumps in front of me.

I smile, "Sure. C'mon." I grab his hand and he cheers as we walk to the cart.

A nice lady turns to us and asks what we want. I ask her for two large sized Slushies. She nods and asks for flavors.

"I'll go for cherry. What about you, Zak?" I ask, turning my attention to him as I don't realize I'm still holding his hand with our fingers tied together.

He hums, "Blue Raspberry sounds really good!"

The woman fills up our drinks and adds a straw in each. I take out my wallet and hand her my card as Zak grabs our drinks. He pouts, "I could have paid for mine you know!"

I chuckle, "Well, too bad." Zak playfully sticks his tongue out at me. The woman chuckles quietly as she watched our banter snd soon she hands me my card back.

"Thank you, have a good day you two!" The woman waves as we walk away. We thank her.

I put my wallet back in my pocket and Zak hands me my drink. I feel his hand slip in mine snd I tangle our fingers together as we take a sip of our drinks. We find an empty park bench by some bathrooms. We take the bench and I sit next to Zak, our hands still connected.

I hum in delight, "This is really good!"

Zak giggles, "Really?" I nod. "Can I try?"

I raise an eyebrow and shrug before motioning my drink towards him. He shakes his head. "Don't you need to take a sip of mine?" I question.

"Yeah, that is an option... but I can also do this." Zak grins.

I'm so confused. He places his drink down and looks towards me. I'm still confused. Then he suddenly presses his lips against mine. My eyes widen as I feel my heart beat.

I slowly relax and close my eyes, kissing back. I place my drink down in front of me and place my free hand on his cheek, tilting my head a bit as I feel his tongue slip into mine. I softly hum as we continue to make out. After a few seconds, he pulls away, leaving both of us breathless.

I open my eyes to watch him stare back at me and smirk. "Cherry does taste good."

I don't waste another second and I place my lips back on his.


I hum happily as our are connected and we swing our hands back and forth.

Vincent texted me telling us we should meet up. We already finished our Slushies. Blue raspberry was really good, maybe my favorite flavor yet.

I find a familiar tall man not too far from us and Zak calls his name, causing him turn turn around and wave at us.

We walk up to Vincent. He has a large, half-eaten pretzel in his hand. "So, how's the carnival?" He asks, a smirk appearing on his face.

I smile, "I love it. So many fun activities to do here!"

Zak nods and smiles. "I won a couple prizes! I even won Bad a muffin plushie!"

Vincent laughs, but then he looks at us and raises an eyebrow, "Why are your tongues purple?"

We both blush. I awkwardly chuckle and scratch the back of my neck, "W-Well... I bought us Slushies..."

"I got a blue raspberry slushie and he got a cherry slushie..." Zak hides his face with his sleeve and looks away.

Vincent looks at us confused. "But- that doesn't..." Then it clicks. His eyes widen in shock, "WAIT-"

WC: 1228

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