College Stress

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(plz give me requests... i dont have many ideas left...)

Zak's POV

I thought it would be smart to go to college. And yet, here I am, sitting at my desk with papers and texts books everywhere.

I haven't uploaded a video on my channel in a few days. I guess a lot of people have noticed but I didn't care.

I have a huge algebra test tomorrow. I shouldn't have taken the hardest algebra class. I thought I was smart in math but I guess not.

"Stupid... stupid.. stupid... that formula isn't correct." I groan as I slam my head against my desk. I've been struggling with this specific formula for the past hour and I've only studied half of what I need to know.

I feel my heart start to ache and my body is close to giving up. "Why can't I memorize this!?" I cry softly as I place my hands over my eyes and feel my body shaking.

I didn't realize it but footsteps are coming close to my room. A small creek is heard from behind me and I slowly sit up and turn my head.

There, a tall, dirty blonde male stands at the door. He pushes up his glasses a bit and a frown appears on his face. "Skeppy... you've been in this room for days. You need to come out..." Bad sighs softly and looks at me worrying.

I shake my head and turn my eyes back to my papers. I can feel tears slide down my cheeks and I wipe them away before they can hit my notes.

"I can't Bad. I need to pass this test tomorrow. I only have a few hours and I'm only halfway done..." I say with a few voice cracks as I scan my papers.

A hand is placed onto my shoulder and they turn me around. I look up at Bad and see him pout, "Look at you. Oh you poor little muffin. You need a break. You can't continue doing this."

I frown, "But I need to pass this..."

"And you will. Please Skeppy, come relax with me. Even if it's just for 30 minutes. Then I can come and help you." Bad places his hands on my arms and stands me up from my chair.

I bite my bottom lip and look back at my notes. He's right. I need to tale a breather. I can come back later.

I nod in defeat, "Okay. Just for 30 minutes though. Then I need to continue studying."

My eyes trail back up to the man in front of me. Bad smiles warmly at me and takes my hand, "C'mon, I can make you dinner. You must be starving."

I trail behind him as he guides me to the kitchen. He leads me to the island and I sit down in a stool. He lets go of my hand and opens the fridge. He hums, examining at the items we have.

Bad then turns to me, "Would you be fine with some pasta, Zak?"

I nod and smile, "Yeah, that sounds nice."

I didn't realize it, but I felt myself slowly falling asleep. I lower my head down and place my arms on the island, making myself a pillow. Then I close my eyes as I feel my body start to relax.

I hear Darryl move around some items and I think he saw me because I felt a presence close to me and soon a hand ruffles my hair. I whine a bit from the sudden contact and my smile grows a bit.


"Oh Zakey..."

I slowly regain consciousness as I feel my body shake. I guess Darryl was waking me up.

I hum as a nice scent fills enters my nose. Pasta was ready. I slowly lift myself up and open my eyes. I yawn and lift my arms up to stretch. I hear a chuckle and I look over to see Darryl placing a nice plate of pasta down in front of me.

"This looks really good..." I smile as I accept the fork he hands me and I start to dig in. Oh my god. This is really good. When was the last time I had a proper meal?

"I'm so happy you are eating more." Darryl cheers a bit, "All you had for the past few days were either poor take out or cup of noodles."

I chuckle and shake my head, "I need to fix myself. I guess college took a big toll on me."

He nods, "I've noticed." Darryl then moves a stool over to sit besides me. He grabs himself a plate of pasta as well. "I always worry about you. Whenever you have a test or a huge project, you always stay in your room working. You don't come out or eat properly."

My heart aches. I frown, "I'm sorry..."

I feel him place a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head towards him and we lock eyes. "Don't be sorry you muffin. I'm glad you listened to me today. After you finish eating, you are going to take a nap." Darryl tells me softly.

I nod, obeying his command.

We finish up our pasta and I feel a yawn coming up. When I yawn, Darryl grabs our plates and place them in the sink. He walks over to me and I turn my body to face him.

I don't know what came over me. I lift my arms out in front of him and pout, "Carry me!"

Darryl blushes softly and shakes his head, "W-What, you can go-"

"Baddddd! Please carry me! I'm so tired!" I cry out.

Bad sighs and gives in. He steps closer and he gently wraps his arms around me to lift me up. I giggle as I wrap my arms and legs around him. I bury my face in his neck and I yawn softly.

Bad chuckles as my actions and I feel him carry me to a room. I hear the door close behind us as I open my eyes softly to see us back in my room. Bad carefully motions me to let go of him once he reaches my bed. "Alright Skeppy, you can let go now."

I whine, holding him tighter, "No."

"Zak... you need to let go." Darryl sighs, moving his hands to my waist to try and peal me off.

I shake my head in his chest, "Sleep with me."


I move my head back and I lock eyes with him. His face is red as I give him puppy eyes. "Pleaseeee? I want cuddlessss."

After a few seconds, he groans and gives in. "Fine. But just only until you fall asleep."

I cheer as I hold onto him. He motions me to get off. I do so. I crawl in under my covers and scoot over for him to slip in as well. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest. "Oh my goodness..." Bad sighs as he wraps his arms around me. Our bodies mold together as I feel my eyes slowly close.

My body slowly powers off as one of his hands comb through my hair. Right before I give out, I hear him saying good night and place a soft kiss on the top of my head, making me smile in happiness.

Let's just say, the next day, I came running back home happy. I slam the door shut and I scream Bad's name. "Darryl! Darryl! Darryl!"

Footsteps speed down the hall and a concern male sprints towards me. "What's wrong!? Did something happen!?"

I smile, and throw myself on him. He catches me and lets out an oof. He wraps his arms around my waist to told me and my legs wrap around his body. I place my hands on his shoulders and place my face near his. "I passed! I passed my test Bad!"

His eyes widen and a wide smile is plastered on his face. He hugs me tightly and I bury my face in his neck.

"I'm so proud of you! I knew you would pass, you little muffin!"

"Thank you so much, Bad. Thank you for taking care of me and believing in me."

WC: 1379

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