Cold as Ice

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@/PfB_unavailable: "Skeppy and Bad live with each other and Skeppy has ice powers, but Bad doesn't know

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@/PfB_unavailable: "Skeppy and Bad live with each other and Skeppy has ice powers, but Bad doesn't know. Every time Skeppy feels strong emotions, he makes little bits of ice and gets colder. Skeppy came out to his parents but didn't accept him blah blah blah he's in his room crying it's really cold inside but bbh comes to the rescue"


⚠️ homophobia

No One's POV (Mostly Zak)

"You are no child of mine. Never fucking talk to me again."

Every word pained him. His heart breaking into a million pieces as he curls up slowly against his bed. His legs curled up to his chest as close as possible as his breathing becomes heavier.

His sight is blurry from the heavy tears and his phone is across the room, screen cracked.

With every sob he makes, his body shakes even more. He can feel his heart slowly becoming cold and his fingertips slowly create some specks of ice.

The floor beneath him starts to freeze, creating a small, broken sphere beneath him.

The edges of his hair tips turn cold, also creating small specks of ice. Then small flakes of snow starts to fall from the ceiling, falling down onto the shaking boy.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." The broken boy repeats, wanting to forever disappear from existence.

Darryl stands in the kitchen, finishing up two sandwiches. He hasn't seen Zak in a while, so he decides to surprise him with a snack.

Placing the final piece of bread, he hums in delight and picks up the plate. He leaves everything on the counter, thinking he would be back to clean it up.

Darryl holds the plate in hand, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Suddenly a sudden breeze of cold hair hits his bare arms, causing him to shiver. "Brrr... why did it get so cold?" Darryl whispers in confusion as he makes his was to Zak's room.

He reaches out to grab the handle and he stops, noticing the bottom of the door slowly being covered in ice. He doesn't waste any more time and he grabs the handle to swing the door open.

His eyes widen as he sees snow falling onto the ground and a trembling boy cries in front of him.

The plate slips out of Darryl's hand, causing the sandwiches to hit the ground. (first the popsicles, now the sandwiches. smh :( ) "Zak!" He shrieks, running to the boy.

Zak doesn't move, but once Darryl takes some steps, he feels his foot start to slip and he starts to topple over.

He quickly regains his position and he carefully makes his way to Zak. Once he is near the small boy, he takes in Zak's features. His fingers are creating ice and his hair is covered in snow.

"Oh my goodness, Zak..." Darryl whispers as he kneels down and he slowly raises a hand to place a hand on Zak's shoulder.

Once Darryl's hand makes contact, Zak flinches, causing the older boy to retreat his hand.

"G-Go away..." Zak hisses, still eyes shut as tears continue to fall. The ice on the ground makes Darryl's legs start to slowly freeze and the ice makes the air colder. "No one wants me... my parents hate me..."

His voice sounds broken and hoarse, causing Darryl's heart to twist in pain. Darryl shakes his head and places his hand back on Zak's shoulder gently. "Zak, I don't know what's happening, but you need to stay with me. You look so broken and I can't bare seeing you like this. Please, let me help you..."

Another sudden rush of wind hits Darryl's skin, causing his body to freeze up and his teeth start to chatter. Zak feels perfect. His skin doesn't seem to be affected and his temperature remains the same after gently placing Darryl's hand on his cheek.

"Everything is fucking stupid... I shouldn't be here... they hate me so much... why did I have to be a f(word)?!" Zak cries, making Darryl's eyes soften.

Darryl feels tears start to form as he watches the broken boy. Darryl's heart hurts of hearing Zak's parents hurting him just because he was gay.

"Zak, nothing's wrong with being gay... please... your parents are just idiots. They shouldn't be telling you stuff like that!" Darryl gently moves his arm around the smaller boy, trying to see if any reaction would happen.

And something did happen. The snow up above suddenly stops and Zak falls into Darryl's chest, his face buried against his shirt.

"Just leave me alone Darryl... because of you everything hurts!" Zak cries out, causing Darryl's breath to hitch.

The tears threatening to spill give way and tears slide down his cheeks. "W-What?" Darryl whispers.

"I just had to fall in love with you... your stupid looks and pretty smile made me fall in love..." Zak's mind is broken, spilling secrets every second.

Darryl takes a small sigh of relief, thinking of the worse. He holds Zak close and he smiles softly. Zak's hoodie touches his arms, giving off warmth from the cold in the room.

"Oh my muffin... I'm so sorry about your parents. Don't listen to them. Being who you are is always ok. Even if it means liking the same gender..." Darryl whispers, raising his hand up to brush his fingers through Zak's black locks. He watches as the ice falls off of his strands of hair as Darryl twists and curls up some clumps. "Everything will be okay... I am here for you."

Zak shakes his head, "You don't even like me back... everything's destroyed..."

"But I do like you back Zak. I really do. I love you more than anything..." Darryl whispers.

The ice below the two slowly begins to melt. The ice on the door disappearing into the air, the snow that was falling from the ceiling, evaporates. The ice around the room falls back, disappearing under Zak.

Darryl holds him tightly, feeling the cold vanishing and the warmth slowly taking over. Their hearts beating steadily as he keeps his muffin safe in his arms.

WC: 1000

>.> for some reason the end deleted??? idfk wut happened so dkfjksjf had to rewrite the end

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