Minecraft Night

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heres a short one. im working on another one, i promise. just, english and history classes r the worst :/

No One's POV

Bad hums to himself, two wolves curled up in the main area of the small cabin. Bad is in the kitchen, chopping up some chicken with the furnaces behind him beginning to head up. A crafting table stands beside him as he creates some bowls and spoons.

A black hood covers his figure. The hood down with his hair dancing softly when he moves around. His glasses sit carefully on his nose as his emerald-green eyes are focused on the food.

Ever since they clicked on a server, and their whole minds transferred into the game, they decided to live their lives there. They didn't know how to get back. They haven't died either, but they don't know if they can respawn. So, they don't risk it and take things very slowly and carefully.

Finishing up the chicken, he adds a lot of spices and seasoning before placing it on the furnace.

As he hums in delight as the smell of cooked chicken fills up the room. The living room, more like home-made couches with a rug below and chests covering the walls, is lit up with the two wolves curled up, fast asleep. Lucy and Rocco, their dogs are called.

While the chicken cooks, just outside the cabin, a tunnel going downward is spotted in a hill. Inside, torches light up the hall and a blue figure pops up from the hole, diamond pickaxe in hand with a backpack on his back.

Skeppy sighs, wiping sweat from his forehead. He spent a while in the mines, strip-mining for diamonds. To his luck, he found 11 today.

Skeppy looks up and walks onto the grass, going to a gravel path created by Bad.

He adventures forward until the small cabin comes into view. On one side, there are small animal pens on the field with two horses roaming around the patch. On the other side, a farm with wheat, potatoes, and carrots brow from the ground. Behind the house, cactus, sugarcane, and melons and pumpkins grow neatly.

The front of the cabin is covered with flowers and a small porch sits where two rocking chairs face Skeppy. The gravel pathway connects up to the house, where Skeppy can see from the window by the door, Bad cooking something in the kitchen.

Skeppy's spirit lights up and he tightens his grip on his pickaxe, making his way to the front door.

He walks up the stairs, passing the rocking chairs, and places a hand on the doorknob. There, the door creeks open and the two wolves in the living room wake up. Rocco's eyes glisten as he spots Skeppy walking through the door.

Bad noticed the sudden movement and looks up from past the kitchen. He smiles as he spots the very familiar figure placing a backpack on the side. Skeppy stands with a blue t-shirt, diamond chestplate sitting on top. He has iron leggings with some tennis shoes.

"Hi Skeppy! Did you get anything from the mines?" Bad asks, smiling as Skeppy slips his chestplate off and chucks it over the arm of the couch. Skeppy turns and walks up to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I found some diamonds. Plus some gold and iron." Skeppy grins.

He raises his arms up slightly, indicating a need for a hug. Bad rolls his eyes playfully, wiping his hands on a wet cloth and turning his body. He raises his arms and Skeppy collapses onto his chest. Burying his head into Bad's neck, he whines softly. "I'm so tired."

Bad giggles and brushes his fingers through Skeppy's raven hair. "I know. You go change." He places a gentle kiss on Skeppy's temple. "Then come eat, then we can go and cuddle in bed for the rest of the day. I already finished with the crops and animals, so I have nothing else to do."

He can feel Skeppy smile into his neck, nodding. "I would love that." He then pulls away and leans his face forward, bring their lips together for a few seconds. "I'll be back then."

Bad nods, feeling him pull away and soon he watches as Skeppy heads off into their bedroom. The soft sound of a door closing indicates Skeppy is out of the room. So, Bad grabs two bowls and adds some chicken with some rice into the bowls.


The food is finished. Skeppy had cleaned up the table, feeding the dogs as Bad washes the bowls.

Soon enough, the moon is appearing overhead and the four figures in the house move to the bedroom. A king-size bed sits in the middle of the room. Black sheets cover the top with white pillows peaking from underneath.

The two slip into something more comfortable. Then, the slide into bed together. Bad pulls the covers over his body and he turns to the side to see Skeppy grinning at him.

Rocco has curled himself up on the end of the bed with Lucy beside him.

Bad slips an arm over Skeppy, pulling him close. With their faces just centimeters away, Skeppy lips his fingers up and removes both of their glasses to place them on the nightstand behind him.

Then, with a gentle kiss to the lips, the two smile at one another for a final time before closing their eyes.

"Good night, Muffin."

"Good night, love."

WC: 900

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