Swings [2/2]

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⚠️ homophobia, child abuse (physical and mental), slight depression

No One's POV

Zak did help Darryl. A lot.

It's been a week and they clicked during that night. But, Zak only saw Darryl at night.

Darryl has strict rules he needs to follow. He cannot be outside unless told to by his father. He still hasn't told Zak about his life. He doesn't want to. He's scared.

It's a Saturday night and Darryl is walking home with Zak. They walk side by side as they near the ally where the fire escape connects to Darryl's window.

"Why can't you hangout sooner? I mean, don't get me wrong, the night is very pretty, but I want to see you during the day." Zak pouts as he tucks his hands in his hoodie pouch.

Darryl frowns and shakes his head, "Sorry Zak. I already told you. I'm very busy during the day." Just busy. His excuse to avoid telling Zak that he gets beaten up everyday.

Zak hums. A few seconds go by, "Why do you have a bruise on your neck?"

The older boy holds his breath. His eyes widen a bit as he suddenly looks down at the ground. His hand creeks up to where his father last hit him. He thought he hid it well.

"I-I..." He didn't know what to say. 'I'm a body builder.' No that's stupid. He wouldn't fall for that. 'Hurt myself on the stairs.'  Idiot. How would that even happen? 'Accidentally hit something that caused something from my shelf to fall on me?' Gahhhh!

"Did someone do that to you?" Zak asks. Zak looks up at his friend. He notices that he looks scared.

"N-No!" Darryl quickly says. Too quickly for Zak's liking. Darryl's tone was off. He didn't sound truthful. Zak knew. Even after a week of knowing Darryl, he knew him well enough to know how he lies.

"Darryl. I know you're lying to me. Please, is everything okay?" Zak asks. He reaches out and grabs Darryl's wrist and they both halt to a stop.

Darryl bites his bottom lip. He feels him wanting to break down. Fucking pathetic. You break down way to easily don't you? Just tell him. He would leave you soon anyways.

"I would be lying if I said it was." Darryl whispers. His voice cracks a bit and he clenches his hands in a fist. He wants to run. Away from Zak.

Zak's heart breaks. Darryl doesn't deserve this. He shouldn't be treated like this. A handsome boy like him should be having fun and living with people who love him.

"I'm sorry." Zak whispers. He meant every word. If he could, he would drop kick whoever is doing this to Darryl.

Instead of letting go of Darryl's wrist, he slides his hand in his and gently squeezes the older one's hand to let him know he will always be there for him.

Darryl sighs quietly as he feels a tear drip down his cheek. He wipes it away with his sleeve and he looks up to lock eyes with Zak. He sends him a small, warm smile before they both continue their journey to the familiar ally.

It takes them a while but they finally make it. Darryl is pulling down the ladder and once he does, he turns around to face Zak. "Why don't you stay with me? Please?" Zak pleads, praying that Darryl doesn't go into the same apartment as the monster.

Darryl slightly chuckles, "I can't. I'm sorry."

Zak frowns. Then he runs up to Darryl and jumps into his arms.

Darryl gasps in shock as he wraps his arms around the smaller one's body. "Please try and stay safe. One day, I'm going to save you from that hellhole." Zak slightly cries as he feels himself start to tear up.

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