Please, Go to Sleep

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i was going to do a request but my fucking comments arent loading and overall wattpad is being slow today (idfk if its just me or what) so ima have to make up a random idea

also when typing this, i heard a fucking woman scream outside of my house. i stg i think someone died

No One's POV

Typing frantically, Darryl sighs as he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. He knew he needed to sleep. It's been maybe two days since he has had a good night's rest. Now he is running on coffee and a two-hour nap.

"Callahan, that isn't going to work. What we can try and do is-" Darryl cuts himself off when he hears a knock on the door.

"Sorry Callahan, give me a second," Darryl replies and he hears Callahan say it was alright. Darryl mutes himself and he turns to his door. "Come in." He calls, then yawns.

The door creaks open and a head pops through. Chocolate brown eyes peek through and catch Darryl. "Bad?" Zak whispers and walks into the room. He stops and his hand falls from the doorknob. "Bad, you're still up?"

Darryl's eyes widen and he looks back at his monitor. He hears Zak sigh in disbelief. "I'm busy. I can't sleep. I need to finish my work." Darryl whispers.

Zak furrows his eyebrows and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Bad, you need to sleep. It's been days since you last slept."

Darryl shakes his head. "I'm fine." He then yawns, making Zak look up and raise an eyebrow at him.

"No, you're not." Zak walks up to Darryl's desk, looking at the three empty mugs of coffee sitting by his mousepad. "How much coffee did you drink?"

"I just finished my 7th cup of coffee," Darryl says as he picks up a mug and tilts to look inside of it. He frowns seeing there was nothing.

Zak slowly feels his stomach drop. "Is that just from today or?"

Darryl doesn't respond. Zak shakes his head and he grabs Darryl's chair, rolling him back a bit, causing the other male to protest.

"Zak, stop! I need to finish this! I need to help Callahan-!" Darryl groans and his hands lose distance from the keyboard and mouse. His chair is now dragged back and only his headphone wire stands between him and his desk. He huffs and slouches back, crossing his arms.

Zak moves over and stands in front of Darryl, crossing his arms as well. "No, you will listen to me, Darryl. You. Are. Going. To. Sleep." Zak waves his finger at Darryl after every word.

Darryl looks up and his eyes lock with Zak's. He notices that Zak looks tired as well. Darryl knew Zak was right, but he couldn't. With a small shake of his head, Darryl sighs and looks back at his monitor. He is still muted and Callahan is patiently waiting.

"I can't Zak. I need to work on-"

Zak then groans. He grabs Darryl's headset, placing it on his head, going over to Darryl's keyboard, and unmuting his microphone. "Callahan, this is Skeppy. Bad hasn't slept in a long time and I need him to sleep."

"Zak! What are you doing!?" Darryl springs up from his chair and watches as Zak's attention is glued to Callahan.

"Wait, really? It's fine. The server can wait. If Bad hasn't slept in a long time, he needs to do that now. Thanks for telling me Skeppy and tell Bad I'll be available AFTER he gets his rest." Callahan speaks, somehow loud enough for Darryl to hear.

Darryl grumbles, brushing his hair with his fingers.

Zak smiles, sighing in relief. "I think he heard. Thank you, Callahan. Bad will talk to you another day, good night." Then Zak leaves the TeamSpeak once Callahan says his goodbyes.

He saves Darryl's work and then shuts off his computer. Zak removes the headset and places it on the desk. He then turns around and smiles a bit after seeing Darryl plopped onto his bed, with his eyes glued to the ceiling.

"I don't need sleep..." Darryl mutters and rubs his eyes.

He then lets out a small yawn, making Zak giggle. "Your yawning tells me otherwise." The smaller boy walks around the bed and stops beside Darryl. The older boy turns his head to look at Zak. "Now please, sleep. I hate seeing you working so hard that you don't get rest."

Darryl frowns. He sits back up and he looks down at his lap. "I'll try. I'm sorry for making you worry, you muffin." Darryl fiddles with his thumbs, mumbling softly.

Zak smiles and he leans forward to wrap his arms around Darryl's arms, placing his head against his shoulder. Darryl smiles at the sudden contact and leans into his touch.

"Thank you Darry and please don't apologize. Have a good night. If you can't sleep, don't be afraid to wake me up." Zak hums gently, feeling Darryl hug his waist for a split second before slipping out of his grasp.

"Alright. Thank you, muffin." Darryl looks up and grins at the smaller boy. "Good night."

Zak ruffles Darryl's hair, causing the older boy to playfully protest. Zak grins and runs out of the room.

"Okay, bye Darry! Love you!" And he shuts the door on the way out and shutting the lights off.

Darryl blushes a bit, smiling uncontrollably and falling back on his bed, feeling the pillow hit his head. "I love you too, my ragamuffin."

WC: 900

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