Strawberry Dress

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tw// a6d
A/N important: bcuz of disturbing things, i will not be adding a6d anymore. i dont rly add much characters, but i just wanted to address this. no, i dont hate nor do i love him. im still not sure on how i should feel. but, i do know i will not be supporting him anymore.
plz dont comment or ask about this, i just wanted to put this out. thank u
tw end//

now lets get to small fluff :)

No One's POV

A strawberry dress. A simple dress that sparked interest in the fandom. Skeppy has seen fan art everywhere, and one day he decided to order it. Why? Who knows.

Bad is out shopping for themselves. Skeppy is currently waiting on the couch, Lucy and Rocco sleeping peacefully on the floor.

With a single ring of a doorbell, Skeppy lifts himself up from the couch and strolls over to the door. Rocco perks his head up, watching carefully as Skeppy opens the front door and obtains a medium-sized box. Skeppy thanks the mailman and closes the door again.

Rocco goes back to sleep and Skeppy proceeds up the stairs with the new box in his hands. Once in his room, he doesn't close the door and grabs some scissors off the table to rip the box open.

After unboxing everything, his fingers stumble upon a beautiful, soft pink silk with little strawberries designs around the silk. He hooks the clothing with his fingers and carefully pulls the dress out of the bag. His eyes shimmer with admiration and without a second to spare, he slips out of his clothes to slip on the dress.

Since he didn't have any good shoes to wear along with the dress, he just slips on some black sneakers. He walks over to the mirror, the dress handing below his knees as he hums. A smile on his lips as he stares at himself. He does a few poses, brushing his hair back and lifting the front of his dress a bit.

"This isn't too bad..." Skeppy's eyes flicker all around him as he does a few twirls here and there. His heart thumps in a relaxing rhythm. His body is calm and he feels free. Grabbing his phone and slipping on some AirPods, he proceeds to find a peaceful playlist.

Bad pulls up to the house a few minutes after. He has to bags of groceries in his hands as he sticks the key into the doorknob and twists. The sound of the door opening wakes up Rocco and Lucy and the two run up to Bad, jumping around him and whining softly.

Bad chuckles and carefully walks around the two, heading to the kitchen. "Skeppy? I'm home!" Bad calls out, placing the two bags onto the kitchen island.

He waits a few seconds, hoping for an answer as he closes the front door. Locking the door, his eyebrows furrow as he realizes Skeppy didn't reply. "Skeppy?" He asks.

Rocco and Lucy walk to the kitchen island. They see a brand new treat bag peeking out from the top of the bag. He chuckles, "Oh, I see you two found it." He grabs the bag and Bad looks down to see them wagging their tail and begging for a treat.

"Oh alright, just one!" Bad hums as he opens up the bag and each dog gets a treat. The dogs bark happily and munch on their snack, running back to the living room.

Bad looks back up the stairs, frowning softly as Skeppy didn't reply. "Maybe he's recording a video?" He whispers. He sighs and shrugs, beginning to put away the groceries where they belong.

Meanwhile, Skeppy is humming along to some lofi music, nodding his head to the beat as he sits in his gaming chair. He is slightly slouched back, head leaned back, and one of his legs are crossed over the other, his foot flicking to the rhythm.

He doesn't hear the footsteps making their way up the stairs. His eyes are closed and his arms are on the armrest.

Bad walks down the hall, spotting Skeppy's open door. "Skeppy? You in there?" Bad calls out, but Skeppy couldn't hear cuz he got his AirPods in. smh, don't speak broke...

Bad walks around and takes a step inside, his trailing up inside the room and they stop at Skeppy's desk. His eyes widen and his body freezes. "I-..." Bad doesn't know what to say. All he can think about right now is how beautiful Skeppy looks.

The dress fits him perfectly. Not too loose, not too tight. The skin hugs the silk without a fail. Bad clears his throat, raising his sleeve to cover his blushing face. "S-Skeppy?"

Skeppy's foot stops moving and his eyes suddenly pop wide. The music playing stopped right when Bad spoke and Skeppy just sits there with embarrassment running up his blood.

Skeppy ignores his feelings and removes an AirPod, turning his head so his eyes can look up at Bad. "Hey Bad." He smiles warmly.

Oh my goodness... Bad's face is burning red, the smile topping everything off. "H-Hi Geppy." Bad raises his free hand and waves slightly. He walks into the room and makes his way to the edge if Skeppy's bed, sitting down and looking back up at Skeppy. Skeppy turns in his chair, removing his AirPods and placing them on the table. He gets up and gently grabs the front of his dress.

Bad watches as Skeppy does a small twirl and poses slightly. "How does it look?" Skeppy asks, raising an eyebrow.


wc: 900

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