Man Bun

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badboyhalo and skeppy own my heart. istg they 100% were in vc when they tweeted those sappy poems. "alright, lets tweet them in 3... 2... 1... oh my god! ur so sweet! ily"

1. i unpublished night at the museum and cursed skephalo. school is over whelming me atm and decided to focus on this book. they arent deleted, but unpublished

2. also, hey guys, guys, guys... ily all <3

anyways, enjoy small fluff :D
@/sofyzin: badboyhalo man bun...

No One's POV

It's been a while since the last time Skeppy went to Bad's house. So, today, Skeppy decides to visit him again.

"Are you here yet?!" Bad whines from the other side of the call. Skeppy's phone is connected to his car's Bluetooth speaker.

Skeppy giggles, tapping onto his steering wheel as his eyes are glued onto the road. "Just a couple more minutes. I'm line three streets away!"

"Well hurry up, you muffinhead!" Bad huffs. While Skeppy drives, Bad is in his room, phone sitting on his desk with the speaker on.

Bad is brushing his fingers through his hair. His hair is decently long. He didn't bother on cutting it, so he allowed it to grow for a couple of months. Skeppy doesn't know about his hair. It sits just near his shoulders, smooth and wavy.

His eyes land on a hair-tie on his desk. He hums, listening to Skeppy's giggles and he grabs the hair-tie. With a few swoops, his hair is tied neatly in a bun. He grabs his phone, which still is connected with Skeppy, and opens up his camera.

"Oo! This looks nice." Bad chuckles, looking at the bun behind him, noticing how it doesn't look half bad.

"What looks nice?" Skeppy asks, he is just down the street, pulling up to Bad's house.

Bad's eyes widen as he closes his camera. "Nothing! Just, you here yet?"

"Yep! I just pulled up now!"

And with that, Bad jumps out of his chair, cheering in delight. He grabs a beanie on his desk, slipping it on. His bun is squished, suffocating in his beanie. He ends Skeppy's call and rushes out of the room.

Lucy follows close behind, barking and wagging her tail. Bad runs to the front door, quickly twisting the knobs and the door swings open.

There, Skeppy is seen to have just gotten out of his car and rushing to the door. He has a backpack in his hands. "Bad!" Skeppy grins, putting the backpack to the side and throwing himself to Bad.

Bad's cheek glisten with light pink as he holds the younger boy in his arms. "Skeppy!" He mutters in Skeppy's hoodie, taking in every moment with Skep.

The two pull away after a while. Skeppy slips out of the other man's grasp and picks up his backpack. The two head inside, Lucy jumping up by Skeppy.

"Hey, Rat." Skeppy chuckles, placing his backpack beside the door and picking up the small bundle of joy. Bad grins at the two, closing the door behind them. Lucy gives Skeppy a few kisses before being let down.

Lucy runs back to the living room, jumping on the couch and curling herself up in a ball.

Skeppy looks over at Bad, raising an eyebrow as he realizes Bad is wearing a beanie. "Why do you have a beanie?"

Bad shrugs, "Keeping my head warm. Want something to eat, muffin?"

"Sure." Skeppy is a little skeptical but follows Bad to the kitchen. Bad pulls out some things from the fridge, Skeppy jumping on the small island and swinging his legs slightly. He watches as Bad prepares everything.

The two chat for a while, Skeppy helping occasionally as Bad prepares some pasta.

Every now and then, Skeppy would ask about the beanie but Bad brushes it off.

While Bad is mixing around the tomato sauce, he hums a soft tune.

Skeppy walks behind Bad, a small smirk on his face as he raises his hand up. Then, with a flick of the wrist, he snatches Bad's hat and a loud gasp escapes his lips. "Man bun!"

"Gah! Skeppy! No!" Bad shrieks as he swiftly turns around and tries to snatch the beanie from Skeppy's hand. His face is flustered, embarrassed, and nervous.

"Oh c'mon Bad! Why are you hiding your man bun! It suits you!" Skeppy giggles as he hides the beanie in his hoodie pocket and raises his finger to poke the man bun.

Bad's eyes widen, nervous slowly turning into confidence. "You think so?" Bad raises his own hand to touch his hair.

"I know so. You look handsome, Baldie!"

Bad smiles, feeling proud at his man bun. "Well, thank you Skeppy. You don't look too bad yourself."

WC: 680
sorry if its not what u had in mind >.>

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