Delilah's Morning

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No One's POV

Soft, quiet, childish giggles can be heard from behind the slightly opened door. The small figure peeking through the door smiles and clutches onto their stuffed animal of a duck watches the two lumps in the bed ahead.

Snoring can be heard, soft and gentle.

The small figure looks at the window to see the sun peeking through the blinds. With slightly pushing the door open, the small figure takes a few steps forward, walking into the door.

Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail as she wears a yellow duck PJ onesie. Her bright blue eyes travel to the end of the bed as she skips to the edge. With a small chuck, the small duck plops onto the bed.

Delilah places her two hands onto the bed covers, the soft, white fluffy blankets touching her skin as she pushes herself up with a huff. With her high, she just reaches over the height of the bed, her forehead just peeking over the edge as the bed is decently high up.

"Oof." Delilah breathes out as she falls onto the bed, landing on her stomach. It causes the bed to bounce slightly, making the two figures under the covers jump, but still fast asleep.

The smaller figure in bed groans and they pull themselves closer to the taller figure. Their arms tighten around their partner's waist and their head buries itself in their chest.

Delilah picks herself up, keeping her balance once she stands up. She then grabs her duck and she carefully waddles over between the two. Once she is standing near where their legs are, she giggles and starts to bounce on the bed.

"Daddy! Papa! Wake up! Wake up!" The little girl begins to shout, the bed creaking slightly as the two parents start to wake up.

The older one groans, furrowing their eyebrows as he feels his conscious coming back. The sound of his little girl waking them up allows him to groan slightly.

"Oh my goodness..." Darryl whispers as he slowly flutters his tired eyes open. He yawns and he hears Delilah giggle again. A small smile trails up to his face as he turns his head and perks himself up, holding his weight with his elbow. "Good morning, muffin."

Delilah smiles. "Morning Daddy!"

A smaller groan can be heard by Papa. Zak buries his head deeper into Darryl's bare chest as he feels the small girl slowly halting her jumps. Darryl looks down at his arm, which is carefully holding Zak's bare waist, his blue pajama bottoms hanging loosely. "I don't think your Papa wants to wake up, muffin." Darryl giggles.

Delilah peeks over and she sees her Papa hiding his face from the sun's rays. "Aww... but today's my first day of school!"

"We can skip," Zak mutters, low and quiet, but Darryl and Delilah heard it.

Darryl gasps and slides his arm off of Zak's waist, raising his hand and gently slapping the back of Zak's head. "Bad potato! We are not raising our daughter like that! She will be a good, responsible muffin!"

Delilah giggles at her parents' idiocy. She lowers herself onto the bed and sits on the covers criss-cross-apple-sauce, her duck safe in her arms.

Zak flinches from the sudden slap and he huffs, whining softly, "Hey! That's mean!"

"Well, I was going to give you your morning kisses, but since you won't wake up, I'm going to have to skip that and go prepare Delilah's breakfast." Darryl shrugs, moving and sitting up on the bed.

Zak gasps, eyes snapping open and his body springs up in bed. He feels offended. "Wait, no, I'm up," Zak says, staring at Darryl with beady eyes and Darryl giggles.

"Yay! I get to go to school!" (just wait a few more years delilah... that sentence will change) Delilah cheers and she turns and throws her legs over the bed. She carefully slides off and lands on the floor with a small thud.

Zak's eyes widen at the thud and he snaps his head around to see Delilah sitting on the floor. "Ow." She mutters.

"Are you okay, Honey?!" Zak shrieks and he throws the covers off of himself, sliding off the bed and feeling his feet touch the floor.

Delilah turns as Zak kneels down beside her, watching him with a confused look. "I'm fine. I accidentally fell."

Zak sighs in relief, picking himself up. "How about we go and pick out your clothes for today while Daddy makes us breakfast, huh?"

Darryl smiles and he slides out of bed as well, hearing Delilah agree and he looks over to see Zak pick up Delilah in his arms. He hoists her up, holding her up as Delilah wraps a small arm around Zak's shoulders.

Darryl walks around the bed, watching as Zak looks over at him. The older boy goes near Zak and stands close, leaning his head down and pressing a gentle kiss to Zak's cheek. "I'll see you both downstairs then." Darryl hums as he pulls away, leaving a giggly Delilah and a blushing Zak.

"First day of school! Yay!" Delilah raises her arm out, holding ducky as Zak smiles and walks out of the room with her.

WC: 878

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