"what the dove says"

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These were both inspired by the prompt "what the dove says" from a prompt challenge held by @olwdaisy_poetry on Instagram!! (FYI the second one is a lengthy boi)

False Dove (Written 5-7-20)
You're supposed to sing songs of peace
a melodic string of notes in the air
twirling and fluttering with the wind
as it finds its way to my ear

You're supposed to be a show of purity
clean feathers for all to see
kept neat against your warm breast
everything I should strive to be

But your songs are not so sweet
and your feathers are full of dirt
So should I strive for that pretty lie?
Should I perpetuate this cycle of hurt?

What I Wanted Has Changed (Written 5-7-20)
A speck of white against the somber blue sky
A little branch held in her mouth
I had faith in that little bird to take me there
to hold my hand and guide to the gate of love and warmth
So I followed her blindly, ignorant and deaf
right up to the gate of despair
and only listened to her sweet little lies
"Go through and find what you long for
I can take you no further but your soul will know the way"
What a great illusion it was as I walked through those dark gates

I could not see her feathers soaked in blood
from the other fools she had lured here
I could not see the sharp thorns along that branch
how I wish they dug into her mouth
I could not hear the malice in her voice for she was no dove or angel at all
she was a raven, a demon so smart with her tricks

For so long I thought I was stupid
for not seeing those things sooner
that maybe I could've won if I just seen her for what she was
But she was not the demon I needed to fight
She brought me here to face myself
alone and in the dark
the deepest parts of me that ignored for so long

And that voice of honey I hear it
every night in this dark place
I hear her words of wisdom
for now I know she spoke the truth

My soul could guide me to that gate
the one I longed for in the past
And that blood was of those who fought her
too scared to face the dark
And those thorns were there to remind her
that she survived this pain
And that edge in her voice was a warning
of what lied beyond those gates

Once I'm victorious I know I'll see her again
with little spots of blood all over me
A branch in my hand with sprouting thorns against my skin
and my voice will have changed from all I have endured
I will smile at her and say
"That gate I wanted was only a blissful dream and now I'm awake
I followed your words and my soul has brought me back to you"

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