TYWI Lit Journal

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In July, The Young Writers Initiative published the first issue of their youth literary journal! As a board member, I helped around to get it done and I'm so proud of it! This debut issue had the theme of human emotions, Persona, and was separated into four parts: Enamor, Vexation, Desolate, and Jubilee. Some of my pieces (including one below!!) were included. If you'd like to purchase a digital copy to support TYWI head over to tywi.org! (It's only $4!!) TYWI also has submissions to the second issue of the literary journal open until [date]!!!!! Again, please check out the website for submission info and check out the volunteer opportunities and services offered!

For each of the individual themes, I wrote an acrostic poem. I hope you like them!

Entrancing rings of color drew me in and you
Nudged your way into my guarded heart
A silly smile with your horrible jokes somehow
Make my day 1000 times better without you even trying
Our laughter lingers in the night like your cologne
Rest comes easily when I can fall asleep to your sweet voice

Violence and hatred cage your mind
Every thought tied down by that heated metal
X shaped bars formed from your own ignorance
Attacking me can't save you from yourself
Throwing insults left and right will only
Increase that boiling pressure in your thick skull
Open your mind and let the steam be released
Now is the time to be freed from your self-made prison

Drowning in these emotions, pummeled like the waves
Every horrid thought adds another drop to this sea and
Stirs up the thing in my head you call a brain.
Only in the dead of night does it stop.
Led to my bed of thorns by the shadows, the
Air always stands cold and stale and my
Thoughts can finally leave, stain the white petals beneath me,
Escape this exhausted body, leaving me an empty shell

Jolts of electricity course through my limbs
Under this cloudless blue sky, I dance, the
Beat of my heart is the only music I need
I can feel hot blood rush through my body
Losing all thought as I fly through the air
Every inch of me on fire
Each movement freeing my soul

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