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Like the last part, I wrote a few poems for the daily prompt challenge #tunesforjune but didn't get many done. Here are the two that I wrote! (The prompts were songs/chosen lyrics)

Day 1: "Watch the waves crashing down, each one erasing me"
Watch the waves crashing down
blurry visions of blue and black
Icy cold walls of water
forcing their way into my open mouth
through my nose to drown my lungs

They mix with my salty tears
while beating against my soft skin
until I look like them
with my colorful arrangement of bruises

The day I freeze
deep blue and purple and black
is the day I turn to crystal glitter
on the chruning white sands of time

My limbs already feel fuzzy
beaten numb from the constant waves
All I can do now is stay afloat
watch the waves crashing down
and feel each one erasing me

Day 2: "Even if this hall collapses/I can stand by my pillar of hope and trust"
Even if this hall collapses
the tons of carved rock
I won't give into your destruction

I can stand by my pillar of hope and trust
because I know that everything you touch won't crumble
beneath your darkened touch

Chance (Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now