Never have I ever

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Fred: Hey guys...

George: We've had an idea...

Fred: How about we play...

George: Never have I ever!🙃

Harry: Great idea guys!

Ron: I'm in😊

Neville: Me too!

Luna: How do you play?

Ginny: Everyone holds 5 fingers up, then one person starts by saying a statement: For example, "Never have I ever fought a troll". Everyone who's ever done that will have to put a finger down. The last person with a finger up, wins😄

Luna: Oh no, that sounds terribly confusing. I think I'll take a walk instead!

Luna: Bye everybody...

Harry: Instead of fingers, everyone should have 5 of and emoji. How about this one:🥍?

Ron: Looks good👍🏼

Hermione: So it's me, Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Neville and Ginny?

Draco: And me!

Hermione: 😒

Ginny: Fine then...

Fred: Everyone show us your 5 emojis then!

George: 🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍

Fred: 🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍

Ginny: 🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍

Draco: 🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍

Hermione: 🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍

Harry: 🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍

Ron: 🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍

Neville: 🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍

Ron: I'll start! Never have I ever had a crush on one of my friends...

Ginny: 🥍🥍🥍🥍

Neville: 🥍🥍🥍🥍

Harry: 🥍🥍🥍🥍

Ron: 🥍🥍🥍🥍

Harry: Ron you have a crush on me?😲


Hermione: 😂

Ron: Wait Hermione, don't you have a crush on one of your friends?

Hermione: He's not my friend...

Ron: Who is it?

Fred: This isn't truth or dare...

George: So she doesn't have to answer mate...

Draco: So Neville, is it Luna?

Neville: What...? That's crazy...

Draco: 😏

Ginny: Oookay my turn! Never have I ever had a love poem or song written for me...


Draco: Oh yeah, Myrtle 😂😂

Fred: Draco and Ron...

George: Both of you take an emoji off...

Fred: We've all heard Pansy and Lavender singing...

George: Rather off-key, might I add😂

Ron: 🥍🥍🥍

Draco: 🥍🥍🥍🥍

Hermione: Never have I ever been called an idiot!😊 

Fred: 🥍🥍🥍🥍

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