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Yang Jeongin:

Day 8

I almost laughed.


This has to be some sick joke.

I took my hand off Seungmin's back, and raised an eyebrow.

"You're lying."

He took a breath, blinking back more tears. "I wish I was."

I could feel myself getting choked up, and I started to shake, "This isn't true."

This can't be happening. This is ridiculous, he has no reason to disappear too! What the hell is going on!

"Jeongin I-," he started to talk, but then his hand started glitching, much like how mine did the day I found out.

Even if it was only a few days ago, the memory of how frightened I felt came back to me, and made me feel a way I never want to experience again.

"Oh no," I whispered, pulling him into a tight hug. I could feel his heart pounding against my chest, and that was enough for me to feel teary.

I let out a sigh. "Do you know why yet?"

I could practically feel the tension in the room. Yuna is probably confused as hell, if she's even listening to us.

All our friends sat in total disbelief, sadness taking over. I can't even imagine how they feel. Losing one friend is terrible enough, but two?

That's basically a knife to the heart.

Seungmin nodded, "Yes."

We all gave him a curious look that says 'tell us.' He looked at us anxiously. If they can't save me, hopefully they can save him.

He rubbed his head, walking over to the table and sitting down. "It's so complicated, and out of nowhere. But..." he took a pause, and looked me right in the eyes, "I think I like you, Jeongin."

I could feel my heart speed up and break at the same time. I should feel happy, but I don't. I'm furious.

Fucking furious.

Who wouldn't be happy that their crush returned their feels? But I'm mad because I won't be able to experience a real relationship. We can't enjoy walks along the beach, or romantic dates, or even the hardships of breaking up.

It can't happen, because we will be dead.

Before I answered him, he asked me, "Did you figure out why?"

I didn't answer, I just nodded.

There is still one thing I can control before this gets out of hand.

I got up from my seat, grabbed his shoulders, and kissed him. Right there, with all my friends watching.

I have no idea what I'm thinking. What's this going to do, make me fade faster? Break my heart even more when it's time for me to go?

When we pulled apart, I could see a mix of happiness and confusion in Seungmin's eyes. I smiled lightly and shrugged, letting out a small chuckle.

I guess if we are both going to fade, we might as well make the most of the time we have left.


Ahhhh I'm sorry this is so short 🥺

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