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Yang Jeongin:

Day 21

I am currently in a state of utter panic as I get ready for school.

Now, don't get me wrong. I didn't sleep in. I didn't miss a bus. Heck, I walk myself to school everyday. I woke up perfectly on time, and yes I was on schedule.

But, I'm panicking because makeup isn't working anymore! When I woke up, I noticed I became even more transparent than I have been the last few days. When I found out I was even more transparent two days ago, at least makeup was working. And yesterday, it was the same.

But now, I've become even more see through. It sent a bomb in my stomach, and just looking at myself made me want to puke. I look horrible!

Not only is makeup not covering my transparency anymore, no matter how much I put on, but I've become more pale. My skin is basically drained of most it's color. Even my eyes, my old bright brown eyes now look more gray.

Plus, getting ready is agony. I am glitching nonstop, which caused me to either fall over, drop my things, or have trouble getting it on.

And why all the panic? Because my mom offered to drive me to school today because she's working from home. Usually, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to not walk to school, so declining her offer would make her suspicious.

That is the first issue.

The second problem is that it's hot out today. I have a change of pants and a jacket in my locker, but if I come out of my room in all long sleeves, it'll be like I'm trying to cover something up.

I need to figure out how to avoid my mom at all costs. It's gotten to the point where just looking at me, you can tell I've faded.

Maybe, I can say I'm sick? I can pull off being ill because of the paleness, but the actual fading can't be because I'm sick.

I checked the clock, and it reads 6:45 am. I need to be sitting in my first period class by seven. If I run, I might be able to make it. If she drives me, I'll be at the school in five minutes.

I threw out the makeup, it being empty. Like I said, I put as much as I could on. That meant finishing the container.

I've been ready for school for the last fifteen minutes, and just haven't come out of my room. It's a good thing I usually skip breakfast, or else I would be starving. Luckily, my body is used to it.

"Jeongin!" My mom yelled up, and I froze. My heart started pounding. "Are you ready for school! Your going to be late!"

I looked around my room, desperately trying to find something to help me through this. I started coming up with excuses to walk to school, but nothing good came up.

I ran over to my door and opened it a crack so I could answer her, "Uhhh- yes, mom! I'm ready! But...can I walk instead?"

I heard my brother laugh from downstairs, and I rolled my eyes.

"Why would you want to walk? I have no problem driving you!"

I could hear her coming up the stairs, and closed my door and locked it. I turned around and rested my back against it, even more panic filling my body.

Then, she knocked, which made me jump. I closed my eyes shut tightly, and maybe I'll wake up from this nightmare.

"Are you feeling alright, sweetie?" She asked, and I could tell she was trying to open the door.

"Y-Yes of course! I just want to get exercise by walking," I tried to persuade, but I didn't hear her walking away.

"Jeongin you're going to be late, please just let me drive you!"

My mind was racing, and then I came up with an idea. If I open my door and quickly run past her and out of the house, she can't stop me from walking there myself.

I picked up my backpack, and put my shaky hand on the door handle. I took a breath, before unlocking it and running past my mom, my head down.

"Bye mom, love you!" I shouted, as I shot out the front door before she could answer.

Victory is mine!


Dang, I can't believe this book is already at twenty chapters 🥺

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