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Yang Jeongin:

Day 17

I woke up with a weird feeling in my gut. I don't know why, but something feels different.

I can't really put my finger on it though. I just don't feel the same.

Is it a good thing? Maybe the world decided I shouldn't fade, and this is the feeling of me getting back to normal. A spark of hope filled through me, as I got up from my bed and walked over to my desk. I unplugged my phone, to see a text message from Hyunjin.

The Meme Team

happy llama:
ya'll wanna meet at the spot
today and play games?

william shakeSPEARB:
what kind of games are we talking

why are we going all the way to
the spot for this? wouldn't someone's
house be easier-

happy llama:
good point there, child

who wants to come to MY house
and play games?

Everyone started texting back, and we all made plans to play at Hyunjin's house. It made me feel good they're all not treating me or Seungmin differently since we are fading. We are all acting like everything is normal, and that's what I like.

I would hate to be treated differently. I want to die everyone knowing me, for me. Fun, happy, silly, and confident. Not some scared little kid who spent his final weeks hiding away from everyone.

I took off my pajamas to change into today's clothes, and as I took off my shirt I saw myself in the mirror. Something looked different, but like this weird feeling I still couldn't really tell. It made me concerned, but I just brushed it off.

I threw on my white teeshirt and red hoodie, along with some jeans. I brushed my hair out, put on some sneakers, and I was on my way to Hyunjin's house. The rest of my family was, of course, still asleep, so I shot my mom a quick message telling her where I was.

As I was about to open the door, my dog came running up to me, and I should tell she was about to start barking.

I crouched down next to her, and started petting her. She was sniffing me and observing me like crazy, and I think she could tell something was off too.

"Shhh, baby don't make too much noise," I whispered to her, "You don't want to wake up the family."

She started licking to me, and it made me frown. If I wasn't done disappearing, the thought of my dog and family not being able to give me little kisses made me sad.

I gave her one last smooch, before I was on my way.


I finally arrived at Hyunjin's house about thirty minutes later. His house was a good mile and a half away from me, and I didn't feel like running today. So, I had to walk all the way there.

I knocked on his door, and that's when my hand finally started to glitch for the first time today. I sighed, knowing that the weird feeling I am experiencing isn't because I'm not fading anymore.

So what is it?

The little bit of hope I had slipped away, and I knocked the sad expression off my face just as Hyunjin opened the door.

He smiled, and I gave him a bright smile back. I could tell all of my friends already arrived, and I was the last one to show up.

Even before all this fading thing started, I was always the last. My friends knew if we had plans, I would never show up before anyone else. I don't know why, maybe I'm just slower then them.

It's good to see nothing's really changed.

"Hey!" I greeted, as I made my way in and took off my shoes. His house was pretty hot, so I took off my sweatshirt.

As I took it off, it took my teeshirt with it, and for a few seconds you could see my tummy.

And that's when everyone gasped.

I gave everyone a confused face, as I fixed my hair that the sweatshirt messed up. I was afraid to know what's wrong now.

"What?" I asked, nervous for their answer.

They all stared at me with big eyes. Chan walked over to me and felt my arms, and I remained completely confused.

"What?!" I repeated, louder this time.

"You're...you're really starting to fade," He answered, and I swore I could hear his heart breaking.

But, we knew this already?

"What do you mean?..." I breathed. I could feel the anxiety growing inside of me, and I just wanted to know what's wrong.

Chan took in a breath before continuing, "I mean, you're not just glitching anymore. I can visibly see you starting to become more transparent."

I went big eyed, and my heart started racing. I ran into the bathroom, and gave a good look at myself.

It was true. You could just hardly tell. It wasn't extremely noticeable, but if you really payed attention, you could see I looked a bit paler, and less visible.

I could feel tears well up in my eyes, and I immediately closed the bathroom door. I continued to look at my very pale skin.

So, this is how it's going to start. It's really happening now, and there's no going back. This must be the weird feeling.

I pulled myself together, and walked back out into Hyunjin's living room. I put on a smile, just trying to forgot what just happened.

"So...want to play twister?"


Yes, I completely made Jeongin's dog up-

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