Final A/N

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ya'll probably hateeeee me now-

but I warned you guys from the beginning, this was gonna be one of my first stories without a happy ending. as much as i love happy endings, i felt like this was the best way to end the story

as much as i love both jeongin and seungmin, i felt like there was no better ship for this story. i almost made it hyunin, and i probably could have even done minsung, but i really felt these two fit the plot the most!

my goal for this story was two things; one, to make y'all emotional- and two, to make everyone realize that life is very precious and valuable, and you may think you have a lot of time left, but that may not always be the case.

on a different note, i hope you guys enjoyed the story! i loved writing this, and i believe it's one of my most unique stories i have written so far. i'm very proud of it :,)

please feel free to check out my other stories! i'm currently writing a minsung/jilix one, but i have a variety of ships on my account like hyunchan, jilix, minsung and more!

that's all for now! thank you for reading, and i hope to see you guys in my other books! :))

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