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Yang Jeongin:

Day 18

After me and Seungmin unhugged, you could feel the tension in the room slip away. We talked four hours after that. We didn't care about anything else going on in the world. We just talked and talked, about anything that came to our minds.

Boyfriend. I'm Seungmin's boyfriend. I never thought I could ever get that title, but now that I have it, I have a sense of pride, but also fear.

I'm sure the universe will not like this. But as Seungmin said, we need to enjoy the moments while we can without letting anyone, or any thing stop us. Because unlike most couples, we don't have all the time in the world.

Seungmin got up from the couch, and started to put on his sneakers. I looked at him confused, not sure what he will do.

"Wanna go out to dinner?" He asked, now throwing on a leather jacket over his blue teeshirt. Between that, his black pants, and his hair styled, he looked so stunning, and I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter.

I checked the time, and it was already almost 4:30. I didn't notice how hungry I was until Seungmin brought it up.

I smiled, "Yeah sure!"

We then spent the next few minutes deciding on a restaurant. We finally settled on a nice one, and I made our reservation while Seungmin drove us there.

The radio blasted music we both love the entire way there. We sang, more like shouted, along, and it was honestly so fun and relaxing. Neither of us were bothered by the glitching that happened every now and then, and it dint occur to either us of that driving while fading can be dangerous.

But, we arrived to the restaurant unharmed. Seungmin hasn't started to become really transparent at all yet like me, and I'm grateful about that. It means he's not fading too fast, and he has more time left...unlike me.

My makeup has basically faded away as the day went on. It's only the second day I've become transparent, and there isn't much of a difference since yesterday, but if you're close enough to me it's noticeable.

I brushed it off, and the two of us entered the restaurant. For our date.


"I still can't believe you broke the swings when we were in elementary school," I laughed, remembering the memory from years ago.

Seungmin's face flushed red from embarrassment as he laughed along, "It was an accident! It was old, and I just happen to be swinging when it collapsed!"

We both laughed obnoxiously loud, and it caused some people around us to stare. We've been getting lots of nasty looks from people around us, probably because they aren't used to seeing two boys out for a dinner date.

We both have been glitching the entire time, and it's clear our waitress isn't here for it. But, I'm just ignoring the looks, because I'm genuinely having a really good time.

I went to take a sip out of my cup, and that's when my hand faded away. It caused the glass to fall out of my hand, hit against the table, and spill water all over my outfit. Luckily, the cup didn't shatter.

I jumped up, the unexpected coldness freezing my shirt and part of my pants. I tried my best not to screech at the sudden blast of cold, and Seungmin was obviously holding back a laugh.

If there was someone not staring at the two of us, they definitely are now.

"E-Excuse me-" I embarrassedly muttered, dashing to the bathroom. Once I got there, I let out a loud sigh, using paper towels to try and dry myself off.

After getting all the major drenched off, I facepalmed. "Goddamnit society, I get you don't like me being on a date, but that doesn't mean you can soak me in water!"

I looked at myself in the big mirror above the sink, fixing my hair and shirt a bit. Once I looked better, I went back out and sat back down across from Seungmin.

"Sorry about that, stupid society," I joked.

We seem to be sitting under an air conditioning vent, and between my wet shirt and the breeze, I was freezing. I shivered in my seat as I continued to eat, my hands shaking from the cold.

Seungmin must have noticed, "Do you want my jacket?" He offered, and I could feel heat rising in my cheeks. This was so cliché it was funny.

I nodded, and he walked around the table and put his leather jacket on me. It matched my red and white teeshirt. Once it was on, I could feel myself warming up, and also feeling really good.

We both enjoyed the rest of the dinner, and even though there were some flaws, I can proudly say my first date was amazing.

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