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Kim Seungmin:

Day 1

When my hand was hurting last night, I didn't think anything of it. I just thought, I must have hit it against something.

And when I woke up, I still thought nothing of it.

When I went downstairs, I sadly started making breakfast. I couldn't get myself to be happy after I heard the news about Jeongin almost a whole week ago. It was just too painful to think about.

I mean, not only is he my best friend, but I had just recently started developing feelings for him. It's so unfair, I'm losing my best friend and my first love interest, and we don't even know why.

I sighed, and started tiredly poring juice from the glass pitcher. I rubbed my eyes tiredly, and everything was going normal, until it wasn't.

Out of nowhere, my hand disappeared, causing the glass pitcher to hit the counter and shatter into pierces, and the juice to go all over the floor. I gasped, thanking god I was home alone due to my parents being at work.

My eyes went wide, as I stared at the emptiness of where my hand should be. I blinked, and then it came back.

I was confused. If it wasn't for the glass shattered everywhere I would have thought I pictured it. But this was real.

As I cleaned up the broken glass and juice mess, I tried not to think about what just happened. Maybe...it was just a one time thing. There's no way I could possibly be fading.

I sat on my knees, using my hand to keep my body up as I picked up the glass and scrubbed the sticky juice with a sponge. And then, my whole arm glitched, causing me to fall right on the glass

"Jesus Christ!" I yelled, lifting myself up and taking the broken glass out of my arm. That's when I knew this wasn't an accident. I was indeed fading.

I finished cleaning, trying not to let myself cry and think of all the negative outcomes of this. Instead, I focused on how could I let myself do this, fall for Jeongin without thinking about the consequences of dying.

When I was done, I shakily walked back up to my bedroom, slammed the door shut even though I'm alone, and flipped on my bed and let the tears come out. I sobbed, rubbing my arms in hope that would keep them there.

Everything in my life I've worked so hard for, everything I was looking forward too. Gone, down the drain, close the curtain, it's over.

"Holy shit on a biscuit, this is really happening," I mumbled to myself in between cries. I threw a blanket on myself to try and stop shaking, so then I could inform my friends. I'll tell my parents later tonight, hoping nothing bad happens at work. I don't want to make their night worse, but they need to know as soon as possible.

I know Jeongin isn't telling his family, which is understandable, but wrong. It'll only add onto his stress, and hurt his parents when he is unexpectedly dead. They won't get to say a final goodbye to him. But none of us could change his mind.

As I wiped my tears, my phone pinged. It was a text from Jeongin, telling us to meet him at the spot again. I know this can't be good. I don't think I can handle any more bad news today.

I let myself calm down, and got dressed. I have to try and act like nothings bothering me, but the more I try to avoid it, the more pain it causes.

After a few minutes, I decided to just go see what Jeongin wants.

Even though I know seeing him will just hurt even more knowing that we are both going to die.

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