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Yang Jeongin:

Day 17

"You are literally killing me!!" I screamed in pain as Felix thought it was a smart idea to reach over my bent leg in twister.

"I need to get my left hand on blue!" He yelled in defense. My leg was already bent a way it really shouldn't be bent, and Felix leaning over me put more pressure on it, and that shit hurt!

So, I tickled his tummy, which made him fall. Felix groaned, and huffed as he stood up and sat on the couch to watch the rest of us play.

"And I need to not have a broken leg!" I fired back before the game went on.

There was only three of us left, that three being me, Minho and Changbin.

Me and Minho already know 100% that Changbin will win. He keeps getting easy positions, somehow, plus he's so strong no awkward position would really hurt him. But yet, we are still trying.

"Alright Jeongin," Chan spoke, spinning the spinner on my turn, "Right leg, red."

"Hallelujah!" I shouted. That was my leg that was bent weirdly, and moving it in any different direction felt so much better.

But, as I moved my leg, my arm that held up my body started to glitch. Of course, cause god forbid I should be able to just play a game without the world reminding me I'm dying.

As expected, I fell onto the mat, now that I have no support holding me up. I sighed as my butt it the mat.

"That doesn't count, right?" I asked, but Chan shook his head.

"Gravity is gravity. Sit down!" He yelled.

I got up and fixed my scrunched up shirt, feeling a bit pissed he didn't let me continue that round. I sat down next to Felix, who had the biggest smirk on his face.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"And that's on karma," he snickered, snapping his fingers. If I wasn't pissed then, I definitely was now.

So, I elbowed him in the chest. He yelped in pain, which for some reason made me smile, just a little bit.

I guess I have an evil side to me.


After hours of playing around and being silly with my friends, I decided it was time to go home. It was nice to spend a day without worrying too much. There may have been some bumps in the road, but it was overall a really fun day.

I threw back on my sweatshirt, and that's when I realized something; if I'm becoming more transparent, how will I hide it from my family?

I mean, I can cover up most of my body by wearing long sleeves and pants, but what about my face? It's not like I can walk around my house with my sweatshirt hood tightened around my face, or else my parents would think I've lost it.

As I walked into my house, I quickly waved 'hello' to my mom as I covered my face with my hand, before I ran up into my room. I sat on my bed, trying to come up with a plan to hide this.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and from a distance I don't like you can tell I've become transparent. For now, that's a good thing. I'll just stay a few feet away from my family, and they won't be able to tell. But when I'm up close, there's gotta be a way to cover it up.

I'll worry about how to hide it once it becomes more visible.

And that's when it hit me. Makeup.

Now the thing is, I've never worn makeup before in my life. And at first thought, I didn't think we had any because majority of the house is boys. But, I know my mom has some, I just need to sneak into her room and grab it.

This could probably be a big waste of my time. Makeup may not even work! But, it's worth a shot.

I walked out of my room, and luckily my parents bedroom is right down the hall from mine. I quietly tiptoed my way to the room, ran in, and grabbed what I needed. Then, I bolted out.

Once I arrived back in my bedroom, I locked the door shut so nobody could walk in on my applying the makeup.

I looked at what I grabbed, and sorted through what I need and don't need. I basically grabbed anything in sight, and I'm sure most of what I have will be useless.

I put any eye makeup, lipstick, and blush to the side, and I started applying foundation. I cringed at the way it felt on my skin, but I kept applying as much as I needed. After that, I applied some power.

I really hope I'm doing this in the right order!

Once I finished, I sorted through the rest of the makeup I stole, and then I decided I am done.

I looked at myself, and my skin actually looked normal! With this amount of makeup on, you couldn't really tell I'm transparent.

But, I can't keep my moms makeup or else she will think somethings up. Like, why would I wear makeup? If I wasn't fading before, wearing makeup definitely would make me start fading now.

So, I took pictures of everything I applied, and then returned it to my moms room.

Time to go makeup shopping! Don't worry, I'll tell the cashier it's for my mom.

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