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Yang Jeongin:

Day 25

After the incident at the party, I decided it was time to go home. Minho didn't trust me walking home by myself, so he sweetly gave me a ride back to my house.

When I got home, I went right to bed, feeling exhausted. I genuinely don't know what caused me to pass out. I felt completely fine beforehand, and after I kissed Seungmin, I just...lost consciousness. It happened after I felt that spark in my heart.

I swear, I've heard about this spark before. I just can't remember where.

I decided to sleep it off, and worry about it in the morning when I can think straight.


Day 26

I slept in a little later than usual, regaining all my energy back. It felt good to just close my eyes and relax.

Once I pulled all my thoughts together, I remembered where I learned about the spark.

The documentary.

I quickly pulled out my laptop, and went back to the documentary that I have now bookmarked. I skipped ahead, looking for the moment they spoke about it.

Once I found t, I clicked play and let the information sit in my head.

"I felt a weird spark at about day twenty-four." The actress said.

I counted the days, and I felt it on day twenty-five. Very close to her.

"I didn't know it at the time, but it was because I started to embrace the reason I was fading. The world didn't like the clothes I was wearing, so I wore more of them."

I took in the thought. Her embracing her clothing options, is like me embracing my relationship with Seungmin. The dancing, the flirting, the kissing.

"I soon found out, that spark was a signal of the end of my fading. Once that spark goes off, you start to fade and glitch rapidly, and your end day will be shortly after."

I closed the laptop, too afraid to hear anymore. So basically, that spark I felt in my heart wasn't good. It must have been stronger in me than it was in Seungmin, and that's why I passed out.

That spark is the beginning of my end.


I took in the thought for a few more minutes, before I finally decided to go eat some breakfast. I anxiously walked down stairs, not knowing if anyone was home.

I had on clothes that covered most of my body, and I put my hood on and pulled the strings, so it covered most of my face too.

The coast was clear, so I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some cereal. I started to eat it, but that's when my family came walking in quietly.

I looked up at them, feeling my heart plummet to the bottom of my stomach. They could see a little part of my face, but you can obviously tell i've become somewhat transparent.

I'll just tell them I'm sick, if they ask.

I looked back down at my food, hoping they wouldn't speak to me.

"Jeongin, we all need to talk," my dad announced, and the three of them took seats around the table.

Without looking up, I replied, "About what?"

"About you." My mom then answered.

I was mentally freaking out. They're suspicious, and I need to avoid this conversation somehow.

"Okay, but I'm using the bathroom first," I told, and ran upstairs. But instead of going to the bathroom, I went into my room and started thinking of a game plan.

I quickly put makeup all over my entire body. Face, legs, arms, and stomach. I put on brown eye contacts, and even some pink lipstick to made me look less pale.

I then ran back downstairs, took my seat at the table once again.

I looked at my parents, who started at me concernedly. My brother even looked worried, and I didn't think he even knew I existed.

I was just praying they wouldn't notice my transparency.

"Jeongin, you've been extremely distant these last few weeks," Dad started, "We are all worried about you."

I nodded my head, avoiding eye contact with any of them.

"We can tell there is something bothering you. You've been locking yourself in your room, hours at a time. You don't join us a dinner anymore, hell, you hardly even eat. Your grades are slipping, even though you told me you were always studying. We have hardly even seen you recently."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to cry. I hate lying to my parents so much, but I'm lying for mine, and their, own good.

"We don't know whats going on in your mind, but we care about you so much. I don't think you're handling whatever is going on right now well. You're always covering you're entire body up with clothes..." My mom trailed off, and I can tell where she is going with this.

She's going to want to see my skin.

I prepared myself for the words, and as expected, they came out. I scooted my chair closer to her, and hesitantly gave her my arm.

She rolled up my sleeve, and examined it. I was praying so hard it wasn't noticeable or that it couldn't glitch. To my advantage, she actually seemed to buy it, somehow.

When I look at it, it seems mostly covered up. I can't tell you how much god damn makeup I used to cover it up.

After checking the rest of my body, I was free to get out of this horrible family meeting. I ran up to my bedroom, and slammed it shut.

I let out a sigh of relief. They may be suspicious and worried, but they still don't know I'm fading. And that's all I care about.

Because in a few days, none of it will matter, cause I'll be gone.


This was so sloppy omg, I'm sorry :(

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