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Kim Seungmin:

Day 20

When I woke up today, I instantly felt sick. I rolled over on my side and clenched my tummy with one hand, and used my other to check my phone.

I saw a message from Jeongin, and my first thought was something has to be wrong. But when I read the message, my heart felt warm.

Jeongin 🥺🥺

Jeongin 🥺🥺
hey, i'm just checking in to
see how you're doing 🥰

i'm doing fine, feel like
crap though, you?

Jeongin 🥺🥺
me too...when i woke up yesterday,
i felt highly nauseous and i basically
drugged myself all day on medicine :(

that's really weird that we're
both feeling like this. do you wanna
come over? maybe we can figure out what's going on

Jeongin 🥺🥺
sure, I'm on my way


I didn't bother to change out of my pajamas before Jeongin came over. My parents are at work, so it'll just be the two of us. I'm not dressing to impress, especially when I feel as sick as I do now.

My pajamas are a matching top and bottom silk dark blue, and they're very comfortable.

I took an aspirin, and then relaxed on the couch till Jeongin arrived. I told him to just walk in when he arrives, me unlocking the door before hand. Before I knew it, I heard the door struggle to open. I pictured his hands glitching, trying to stop him from seeing me.

I heard him groan out of frustration, and I rolled my eyes. I got up from the couch, stumbling over my own feet as I did so. I attempted at opening the door, and luckily it worked.

"Hands glitching?" I asked when I met his gaze, and all he did was nod.

I welcomed him in, and we made our way over to the couch. At this point, he was completely see through. It broke my heart to see his current state, but he kept a smile on his face to hide his pain. And that hurt me even more. 

Now that Jeongin's totally transparent, it's only a matter of time before he starts to disappear completely. It sent nerves throughout my entire body.

I put my arm on his back as we walked over and took a seat.

"Well aren't you dressed fancy," he sarcastically commented, and I snickered a bit. I ran my hand through his hair, but regretted it after a clump of came out and reappeared on my hand.

"Oh Jeongin, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

He cut me off, grabbing his hair back and letting it fall to the floor.

"Don't apologize. I did it yesterday." He then put his hood on his head, covering up his hair.

Sighing, I pulled him into a tight hug, rubbing his back as I did so. I then felt another spark in my heart, much like at the party. I quickly pulled apart, afraid he would collapse again and not wake up. But, he was fine.

"Maybe we shouldn't touch each other," I suggested, frowning. He agreed, and rubbed his eyes.

Jeongin stared me up and down, and I shot him a confused face. "Is something wrong?"

He bit his lips, like he didn't want to tell me, "Did you look in the mirror yet today?"

I shook my head, and got up. I walked over to my bathroom, turned on the light and looked in the mirror.

I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands. I look almost identical to Jeongin. Transparent.

This doesn't make sense...yes, I admit I've been fading a bit quicker than what's ideal, but I didn't realize it was this bad.

I sucked in a breath, not wanting to cry. I need to stay positive. I have to.

When I sat down next to Jeongin, he could tell I figured it out.

"It's okay to cry, Seungmin. Please don't try to hide it."

His words broke me, and I started sobbing right there. I wiped my eyes, trying to force myself to stop. But the tears just kept coming out.

Jeongin cautiously rubbed my back, but I didn't feel it at all. So now I'm numb too. This is all happening so fast! I'm supposed to have ten days left, but now I'm at the same phase as Jeongin.

Now, he was crying lightly. It was a painful sight.

"We will be alright," he comforted, "It might suck, b-but we are in this together, okay?"

I relaxed a bit, and showed him a smile. He's right, we are in this together.

And there isn't anyone else I would want to go through this with.

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