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Yang Jeongin:

Day 23

I left the house around 2:30, when I knew I was home alone. My brother is at his friends house like usual, and my parents are grocery shopping.

I threw on a dark blue teeshirt, with black skinny jeans and Seungmin's leather jacket. I did my hair like usual, and I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were drained of its color, and I stole my moms makeup again to try and bring some color back into my face.

I put on her makeup, which made me look slightly less transparent, although you could still visibly tell I've faded. I had also bought blue eye contacts earlier today, and I put those on so it looks like the color isn't gone. Even though my natural eye color was brown, I've always wanted blue eyes!

With the makeup on, I at least look less sick, and a little more human. Looking at me in this outfit of my choice, I felt a little bit confident, that I was able to make myself look better compared to when I woke up this morning.

I slipped on some black boots, and I was on my way to Seungmin's house to party. I'm not very sure on what to expect, simply because I've never had a party to celebrate someone dying.

On my walk there, I took my time to observe the weather outside. It's sad, I won't be able to relax in the sun anymore, or go to the beach, or build snowmen with my friends during the winter.

Right now, the sky was gray, but it wasn't raining out. There was a warm breeze, and I could smell pollen everywhere. It was a typical spring day.

Once I arrived at Seungmin's house, I knocked on the door, only to have my hands glitch before they could make contact with the wooden door. I groaned, and decided to just kick it instead.

Taking the hint after a few violent kicks, the door opened up to a smiling Seungmin. I could see my friends in the house, either eating something or just talking to each other.

He greeted me with a hug, and I hugged him back. And although I couldn't feel his warm embrace, I still felt safe in his arms.


Seungmin's phone was connected to a speaker, and he removed all the furniture from his living room for us to dance. It looks like he made a bunch of food for us, and he even set up the tv for us to play video games on.

He really went all out.

The nine of us enjoyed our time together, switching between eating the food, playing video games, or just dancing. I enjoyed dancing the most. It's always been a fun thing for me to do when I'm bored, and over the years I've gotten pretty good at it.

I was now dancing with Seungmin to the upbeat music, bopping around with him and swinging each other back and fourth.

"You having fun?" He asked, as he took my hand and spun me around. His hand glitched, which caused me to let go of him and fall to the ground.

We both laughed, enjoying the moment rather than getting upset. I reached out my hand to help him up, and he interlocked our fingers as he stood up. Instead of letting go, we locked our other hand together, and danced with our fingers intertwined.

"I'm having a blast. Thank you so much for planning this."

I showed him a sincere smile, and he returned it with a peck on my cheek. My face flushed red, but I ignored it as we continued to dance.

"Want to take a selfie?" He asked, whipping out his phone before I could even answer. I frowned, unsure if I want to.

"Why should we? It's not like it'll last."

Seungmin crosses his arms, and started at me annoyingly, "And that's the negativity I don't want. You're taking a photo, whether you like it or not."

I was taken aback by his sudden boldness, but didn't have time to dwell on it before he threw his arm around my neck and pulled me into the photo frame.

We both smiled like idiots, as he clicked the phone twice to take two photos. We then looked at them, chuckling at the sight of us being silly.

You could hardly even see me in the picture, as I am almost as see through as a ghost. In a few days, you'll practically be able to see right through me. Seungmin was pale as well, his eyes becoming colorless.

We may not look our best, but we certainly feel great.

"FUCK!" I heard Felix's deep voice scream, which scared the absolute crap out of me. I turned my body to face him, and I just witnessed him lose in wii sports baseball. Changbin scored a home run over him, which made him have to mercy.

It was very funny, and a rare sight to see him lose in a video game.

Then, the music changed to a slower and more sad song. I exchanged a look with Seungmin, who looked confused.

"I didn't realized I added this song onto the playlist," he laughed awkwardly, and went to go skip it.

But, getting a sudden burst of confidence, I stopped him.

I held out a glitchy hand, and looked him in the eyes. "Wanna dance?"

I could see him smirk slightly, before he hesitantly grabbed my hand in return as we walked back into the living room.

We stared into each other's eyes for a minute, falling into a trance. I then broke it, by wrapping my arms around his neck as he did the same around my waste.

We started dancing slowly, awkward with each other at first. My heart was beating harshly against my chest, and I swear I could actually feel it for it second before the numbness took over. I look a deep breath, blocking out all other sounds around me.

This is one of those moments I was talking about, all those days ago when I first discovered I was fading. I was so anxious, and upset over the fact I was sure I would never get to experience something like this. A genuine relationship.

But now, here I am, dancing with my boyfriend. And I'm not embarrassed or worried. I'm happy, and I feel like I'm on top of the world, even if the world is against me.

I stared into Seungmin's beautiful eyes again, and there are so many words that can describe how unbelievable this feeling of joy is right now.

Our foreheads slowly and gently clashed together, and we kissed softly as we danced.


I am: SOFT :((
This was the sweetest thing I've ever written I'm so 🥺

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