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Yang Jeongin:

Day 10

It's been happening faster.

I've been fading faster than I thought I would.

I don't know about Seungmin, but I've been noticing myself glitching more than I usually did, and it's more than just my arms, legs, and hands. Almost every part of my body has faded for a bit and came back, and it's scary.

Earlier this week, I watched a documentary on the first person to ever fade. Obviously, the actors and actresses aren't the actual people, but it's the same concept.

The documentary explained the origin of the 'fading' rule, and why different people fade. But, I watched the documentary to learn more about this life I'm living.

The first person kept diary's everyday on what's happening, and that's how they were able to make the documentary so specific.

During the movie, the person faded completely about a month or maybe a month and a half after the day they found out. But by the time all their body parts started glitching, it was at least day twenty-two. So, I'm twelve days early in the dying process.

Twelve doesn't seem like a lot, and yeah it could be worse, but when you're dying, every day counts.

I wonder why! What could be different with me than anyone else on earth to fade?

After rewatching the documentary, just to make sure I didn't miss any information, I dialed Seungmin's number. I want to ask him if it's happening to him too.

Even if he found out about a week after me, that doesn't mean he won't be fading any slower to quicker than I am.

To my surprise, he picked up on the second ring. I got up and ran to my bedroom door and shut it. Even though I'm currently home alone, I have no idea when anyone will be home.

My parents are at work and my brother is at a friends house. To my advantage, they don't suspect a thing.

"Hey, Jeongin! What's up?" He greeted, for some reason sounding cheerful.

Before I asked the planned question, I decided to question on why he sounds so happy.

"Woah, sally sunshine, why are you so happy?"

We both cracked a laugh, before he answered, "I'm just trying to stay positive. If I sit around and mope for the next month or so, I can't make my last days count. I'm just going to live each day like it's normal."

I'm in total shock. I'm over here, hardly doing anything but laying in bed, and he's being super positive about this whole situation.

"You're incredible, Seungmin," I told him, "How can you manage to stay so happy?"

I heard him sigh, "I just have to."

There was a moment of silence, and then I remembered why I even called him, "Oh, I have another thing to ask."

After no response, I just continued to talk.

"Have you been fading...faster? Because I am, and I don't know why."

I heard him hum, and as he was talking I hand started to glitch, causing me to drop my phone. It slammed screen down onto my hardwood floor, causing it to crack.

"Crap," I cursed under my breath. Luckily, the call was still going on.

Why now!?

"Sorry, my hand glitched and I dropped my phone. Can you repeat that?"

"I said, 'I think so'. Comparing was happening to you your first few days and mine, I think I'm ahead of the game."

I groaned, wanting to know why.

We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone, and I threw it across my room with anger.

I sat, pouting on my bed as I watched myself starting to glitch again, getting angrier with every fade.

Then I began thinking. The person in the documentary was fading because she liked to wear different clothes than what was required. So, to buy her some time, she wore what she had to.

She reversed what was happening to her.

I can't reverse being gay. But...I can control the cause of it.

So, I'm making the hardest decision I can make.

I'm going to stop seeing Seungmin, for the sake of both our lives.

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