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Kim Seungmin:

Day 15

Once Jeongin and I pulled apart, we looked at each other with pure happiness. You could see a faint shade of pink on his pale skin, and I honestly didn't think it was possible to even blush at his point.

You could tell he was happy, the way his eyes sparkled. Even though he had blue contacts in to cover up the gray, you can still tell he was overjoyed.

I felt over the moon as well. I love having this feeling of being positive instead of depressed. Staying positive during this hard time has really helped me cope a lot better than I thought I would.

But then, something happened.

I felt a weird jolt in my heart, but I don't know what that was. And then all of a sudden, Jeongin collapsed on the floor. It wasn't like a glitch, where he instantly fell and got back up. It was slow, like he thought he could control it but couldn't. His arms stayed clamped to my neck as long as possible, until they slid down my body and landed on the ground.

I was taken aback, and stepped away from him for a second before I panicked. I looked at him on the floor, passed out. I kneeled down and tried to turn him over, but whenever I went to touch him, my hands would fade away or glitch. It was like the world purposely didn't want me to help!

"Guys!" I yelled in fear, but it must not have sounded like it to my friends.

"WHAT? I'm in the middle of something!" I heard Hyunjin yell, as he stared intensely at the tv screen.

My heart was pounding, and I had no idea what was going on. Is this how he's gonna...die?

"Seriously! Jeongin just like...I don't know, fell to the ground!"

I kept trying to shake him awake, but could never get any part of my body to touch his. "Help!"

They looked over, and bolted over us. I moved out of the way, and Chan got down on his knees next to Jeongin and started shaking him.

Chan rolled him over onto his back, and felt his heart beat. Hyunjin has his arm around me, and I could feel myself shaking. I was terrified.

"He has a heart beat, and he's breathing. I don't know what could have happened though," Chan told, sounding very serious. Chan takes a medical class in school, so he knows how to handle situations like this.

"Help me get him to the couch," He instructed, and Felix went over and grabbed his ankles while Chan grabbed his arms, and they carried him over. They rested him on the couch, and I let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Seungmin, go get a glass of water out of the kitchen. I'll try to wake him up by throwing the water at his face. Make sure it's cold, because it might jolt him awake."

I nodded, and without saying anything I rushed into the kitchen and back with the water in no time.

"Back away, Jeongin will want space when he wakes up."

We did as told, and Chan threw the water, letting the coldness hit Jeongin's face. He instantly shot awake, and everyone in the room relaxed.

Jeongin gasped for a breath, and took lots of mini ones after. He looked around, obviously seeming confused.

"Jesus Christ, that was cold!" He shouted, wiping the water off his face with his sleeve. "What happened?"

"You passed out. Do you know why? Did you feel funny beforehand, or lightheaded?" I asked, raking my hand through his air. I kneeled down next to him on the floor, so I was at his level.

He then sat up on the couch, and sat crisscross. He stopped to think before answering.

"Not really. Right after we kissed, I felt like a jolt spark in my heart, and then I hit the floor."

I went wide eyed, realizing the same thing happened to me.

"Was it like, getting electrocuted, but not painful and only in your heart?" I asked, begging he would say no. But sadly, he agreed.

"Yeah! Why?"

"Because I felt it too."

We stared at each other, completely confused. Does this spark mean anything? And if it does...what?

Honestly, I'm afraid to find out.

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