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say the nameeeee


Yang Jeongin:

Day 18

I wasn't expecting a call from Seungmin today, but nowadays I shouldn't expect anything. When he called, I had forgotten I changed my ringtone to my new favorite song, so at first I was kind of just listening to it and enjoying it. And then I realized I should probably pick up! Whoops!

We shared our 'hellos', and he suddenly asked me to come over. Before I could answer, my hand glitched, and my phone went crashing to the floor. This isn't the first time it's happened, and I'm honestly surprised it hasn't broke yet. Thank God, though, cause I can't explain to my parents how it broke.

After talking for a bit, we hung up, and I quickly got my shoes. I check out myself in the mirror, and I looked a little more transparent than I did yesterday. Frowning, I put a bit of makeup on, hoping it's not too noticeable. Then I left for his house.

I wonder why he asked me to go over. I have a bad feeling about this. What could he possibly tell me, that he's gonna die today? Or he stopped fading and I have to continue this path on my own?

I unsteadily arrived at his house after a few minutes, and nervously knocked on the door. I looked at his front yard, and it was very pretty and well done. Especially during this time of year. The grass was tall and very green, the trees looked nice, and there were little tulips around his mailbox.

It didn't take him long to answer the door. Before I knew it, I was entering his house and greeting his parents 'hello'. The two of us made our way to his bedroom, and I sat down on a chair.

I took my hands out of my pockets, and I could feel then glitching without even looking at them. My feet started following my hands, and I groaned before flopping down on his couch.

I could hear him chuckle a bit, and I shot him a glare before smiling softly.

"Why'd you call me over?" I questioned, playing with my hair a bit. I could tell Seungmin was anxious by the way he kept switching his weight from one foot to another. It only made me more scared for what was about to come.

Seungmin smiled, and he walked over and sat down next to me on the chair. He faced me, and grabbed my hands. I looked down at them nervously, mentally praying neither of us start to glitch to ruin this moment.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and it's so loud Seungmin could probably hear it too. I couldn't help but smile, and my eyes stared into his as he started talking.

"We live in a world, where love is strictly limited to just boys and girls," he started, and I blinked in response. "And as much as we tried to follow that, we both know it can't happen."

I have no idea where this is going, but my bad gut feeling started to fade away.

Seungmin's eyes were shining with happiness, yet also nerves, "Love is love. I think it's horrible how society expects us to fall in love with a specific person, and if you don't, it's wrong. That's why we are fading, because we went out of societies way to love who we want."

I nodded, sighing quietly. He isn't wrong, we've done so many things against society's wishes in the past eighteen days. We've developed crushes on each other, confessed, even kissed. And that's not helping our cause at all.

After a little pause, he continued, "We don't have a lot of time left with each other, Jeongin. And I don't think us fading should hold us back  anymore."

Now, I know where this is going...and oh my god!

He squeezed my hands a bit tighter, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

In that moment, my heart exploded. My feelings for Seungmin just keep growing bigger, and I love him. Why wouldn't I say yes?

I smiled widely, euphoria filling my body. "Of course."

I grabbed his face and crashed our lips together. Finally, I don't care about fading. I don't care about the consequences of this. All I care about, is enjoying this moment right now.

We pulled apart, and both our faces were red. We didn't say anything, and just smiled at each other.

I sucked in a breath, before I spoke my next words carefully, "I love you."

He rubbed his hand through my hair, "I love you too."

Seungmin opened his arms, and I went in for the hug before I could fade even more. As much as we both wish this could last forever, we know we're on a time limit. Any day now, I will be gone, and this warm feeling I'm experiencing now will just a memory.

And after I've faded, I will just be a memory.

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