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Kim Seungmin:

Day 10

So its officially been ten days since I found out I was fading too. After doing the math, I found out I'm eight days behind Jeongin. I don't know how much that means for me, though. Will I fade eight days after him, or does that not matter? Maybe we will fade the same day, or different days. I have absolutely no idea.

I haven't noticed any signs of transparency from me yet. But, I now know I should expect it soon. If Jeongin got it at seventeen days, maybe I'll get it sooner. I mean, I have been glitching a lot more lately. And I remember him glitching a lot the day before he turned a bit transparent.

When we were at school the day before, it was like he couldn't go a minute without something fading. And the fact he is trying to hide it from everyone made it even harder. He is afraid if a teacher found out, they would tell him parents.

If his right and starts to glitch, he would start writing with his left. It's lowkey funny because that isn't his dominate hand, but it's not long before that one is glitching and he switches back over to the right.

Or sometimes, he will be walking in the hall and a part him will glitch. If it's his arm, his books will crash down (unless someone is carrying it for him), and if it's his legs, he will fall.

As for me, its more or less the same. I've been keeping my eyes out, and I noticed my legs glitch the most. So to avoid any problems, I sit a lot.

It's a bit complicated to predict what will happen, but I just have to be observant. 


It's been a long ten days. So much has happened, and it feels like my life is a story, and there's someone writing the outcomes.

My parents have been watching over me like a hawk. I now understand why Jeongin won't tell his parents; it's all they will think about! Even I'm not dwelling on this as much.

A part of me understands, but the other part wants them to stop worrying, and just to spend as much time with me as they can!

I haven't really given them the details. They don't know why I'm fading, my feelings for Jeongin, or any of it. I lied and told them I don't know, and yeah I feel guilty about it, but maybe it's for the better.

But there is one thing that hasn't left my mind, and that's me and Jeongin. It's a bit cliché, but if we both like each other, then what's holding us back?

We may not have much time left with each other, and that's why we should do as much as we can together. Go on dates, spend time together, kiss, hold hands, all of it!

So, since I know he won't make the first move, I will. It's a bit absurd, but I don't want this whole fading thing to hold us back anymore.

I whipped out my phone, and pressed call on his contact. I sat on my bed with my phone to my ear, bouncing my leg nervously was the phone rings.

My hand glitches in the process, and that's why I put the phone in between my ear and shoulder; incase that happened.

Just when I thought he wasn't going to answer, which would have really sucked, he picked up.

"Hi! Omg sorry I almost didn't answer, I got distracted by my ringtone," he laughed, as we greeted each other.

I smiled to myself, the sound of his voice bringing me comfort.

"Can you come over?" I asked, trying hard not to sound nervous, or too excited, "I want to talk to you."

I heard silence on the other end, and I couldn't really tell what he was doing. I waited about a minute, before I heard movement and he began talking again.

"Yeah sure! I'll be right over."

We said our goodbyes, and then I prepared myself for how the hell I was going to do this.

I just have to keep my fingers crossed, and hope he says yes.


There most likely won't be anymore Seungmin point of view chapters, just because I feel like I repeat a lot of stuff and it's harder to write his. There may be one more towards the end, but for now it'll be mainly focused on Jeongin's pov :)

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